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The Apostles’ Creed, Part Two: God the Father Almighty

Jared C. Wilson

“We believe” the creed has us say, and this belief begins where the gospel story and our worship ought to begin, with the one who has no beginning (or end): God himself. ...

Where Have All the Bold Pastors Gone?

Dr. Jerry Newcombe

During this election season, religion has come up many times. But for the most part, we haven’t heard from many pastors....


In one of former President Jimmy Carter’s best-selling books, Living Faith, Carter talks about how faith affects every aspect of his life. He originally wanted to call that book, Faith Is a Verb...


Rigby In the late 1800's and early 1900's, Alexander Whyte pastored a large church in Edinburgh. During that time, a salesman by the name of Rigby would travel to Edinburgh regularly just to hear h...

The Challenges We Face: A New Generation of Gospel Ministers Looks to the Future

Albert Mohler

Will this generation of gospel ministers finish the race? It will require gospel faithfulness at every turn....


In the “Flo and Friends” comic, a younger woman is talking to an older man called Mr. O. She asks, “Do you ever hold grudges, Mr. O?” He replies, “Absolutely Not! Never!&...


In the comic, “Motley’s Crew” a young man tells his father, “Hey Dad, I just signed up to audit a class in philosophy over at the college.” ...


A survey conducted by George Washington University reveals that many of the young people who got hooked in drugs in the 1960's are still using them. The 5,000-person study suggests that while the perc...


On December 9, 1914, Edison Industries was destroyed by fire. Thomas Edison’s son, Charles, was worried about his father. At the disaster site, while the fire was still burning, he found his ...


A little boy attended the baby dedication of his little brother. The older boy proceeded to cry all the way home, in the car. His father asked, “What’s wrong son?” The boy said, &...

Pastoral Infidelity: Problems and Solutions

Dr. Chet Weld

When a pastor falls into sin, especially sexual sin, the ripple effect on the lives of others is often immeasurable....

The Son

One of the most difficult and exciting highways in North America is in Glacier National Park in Alberta. Vehicles more than 21 feet long or more than 8 feet wide are prohibited. The narrow, winding hi...

Preaching in a Changing Culture: An Interview with N.T. Wright

N.T. Wright was one of the featured speakers at the recent International Congress on Preaching in Cambridge, where he was interviewed by Preaching editor Michael Duduit...


For the last 15 years a white haired businessman has been using the name “Jesus Christ.” He has a passport, driver’s license and social security card with Jesus’ name on it. According to the Associa...


Let’s suppose somebody claimed to be the greatest baseball fan of all times. We might ask him, “What makes you the biggest fan ever? Do you know more about the game than anyone else? Have ...

Two Reasons Why Christians Gossip

Think of how many times you have believed something to be true only to find out the information was totally wrong. Vaccinate yourself with some scriptural truths about gossip....