Search Results for cried to the lord

Found 139 Results for cried to the lord
How Do We Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord?

Linda Lyle

How do we stand still and see the salvation of the Lord? The steps are simple, but simple doesn’t mean easy....

6 Valuable Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Bethany Verrett

Samuel spent his life in service to the Lord, setting a great example for anyone who wants to live a life that pleases God. He was used for leadership, prophecy, and wisdom. For anyone seeking to unde...

8 Habits of a Healthy Spiritual Life

John Barnett

God's Word teaches us eight habits that can keep us spiritually healthy until death. The habits recorded in Psalms 116 are not just for those who have one foot in the grave, they are actually good hab...

5 Prayers to Help Us Process the Events at the Capitol

Heather Adams

After a recent protest at the US Capitol turned violent, many of us were left reeling. We felt angry, afraid, even enraged. God understands these feelings, but He does not condone violence or hatred. ...

What Do We Learn from the Names of Jesus?

Andy Lee

There are over 50 names of Jesus in the Bible, which tell us vital things about his role in the kingdom of heaven and his qualities as God's son. Here's what we can learn from some of these names of J...

Is Your Hope in Jesus on the 9/11 Anniversary?

Carrie Dedrick

The most important thing we can remember about 9/11 is how it points our way to Christ....

3 Mighty Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Bethany Verrett

It is not sinful to ask the Holy Spirit to help with something that is under its domain during prayer. It indwells each believer to sanctify, convict, and prepare Christians for eternity in Heaven, an...

Why Is God a "Consuming Fire"?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

In Scripture, fire can be used as a form of judgment but it is also used in purification or refining. With that being the case, what are the things God would turn his attention to consuming or burning...

Does Jeremiah 11:11 Mean God Turns His Back on Us?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

This verse is a reminder that God is faithful to do what he has said, even when it includes the judgment of his people....

What Does "Hosanna in the Highest" Mean?

Pamela Palmer

Matthew 21:9-11 recounts Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as the crowds shout "'Hosanna to the Son of David!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Hosanna in the highest heaven!'...

What Does Selah Mean in the Bible and Why Is it Important?

Jason Soroski

Selah. This beautiful, thoughtful, yet mysterious word appears in the Bible primarily in the book of Psalms. But what does it mean, and why is it there? ...

Who Were the Moabite People in the Bible - The Good, Bad, and Ugly

Stephen Baker

The Moabites were a pagan nation, which means they did not worship or serve YHWH. Idolatry was one of the innate characteristics of all the nations surrounding Israel, and Chemosh was the national god...

As a Christian, How Do I Deal with My Doubts?

Greg Laurie

God welcomes your doubts. An honest skeptic, when presented with the facts, will change. Heartfelt questions about God and His Word, means your desire is for truthful answers....

How God Uses Stress for Our Good and His Glory

Randy Alcorn

Stress is an effective tool in the hands of our God, a tool that is intended both for His glory and our good. In this article we will look at some ways God uses stress....

5 Inspiring Lessons from the Life (and Death) of Dorcas

Heather Adams

Why is there so much admiration for someone who only appears once in Scripture? Part of the reason can actually be found in the reaction of those that knew her, as they saw her illness and death. The ...

What Is the Meaning of Palm Sunday and Why Celebrate it?

Many Christians celebrate a holy event known as Palm Sunday. This event commemorates when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, right before his death. ...

5 Examples That Prove No, God Is Not Racist

Kristi Walker

In Deuteronomy, God says that the Israelites are His "treasured possession." So, does this mean that God is racist? Or to a lesser extend, is He showing preference for one group over another? Not at a...

The Beautiful Meaning Behind "Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit"

Bethany Verrett

Jesus final words on the cross are both heartbreaking and powerful. The Apostle Luke records that just before dying, Jesus said "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!" But what do those words me...

Why Is “He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord” Blessed?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We are given cause to rejoice and be awestruck by God’s faithfulness, love, plan of redemption, and His holiness and sovereignty. He’s given us much to learn through even this one verse. Jesus is He w...

11 Times the Old Testament Predicts Jesus' Birth and Death

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Modern readers tend to shy away from the concept of prophecy. But the Bible is holy. It is "God-breathed." We can trust every word it contains. How? Because it makes predictions that came true, some t...