Search Results for hebrews 4:12

Found 645 Results for hebrews 4:12

EXAMPLE eg-zam'-p'-l (tupos, a pattern, hupodeigma, copy representation hupogrammos, a writing-copy, example): A typical, representative, or illustra...


Types MISCELLANEOUSBride, a type of the body of Christ Revelation 21:2 Revelation 21:9 ; 22:17 The sanctuary a type of the heavenly sanctuary ...

Deuteronomy 6:16

Overview - Deuteronomy 6 1?The end of the law is obedience. 3?An exhortation thereto. 20?What they are to teach their children. Treasury of Scripture...

Leviticus 9:11

Overview - Leviticus 9 1?The first offerings of Aaron, for himself and the people. 8?The sin offering, 12?and the burnt offering for himself. 15?The ...

Hebrews 13:11

Overview - Hebrews 13 1?Divers admonitions as to charity; 4?to honest life; 5?to avoid covetousness; 7?to regard God's preachers; 9?to take heed o...

Hebrews 3:10

Overview - Hebrews 3 1?Christ is more worthy than Moses; 7?therefore if we believe not in him, we shall be more worthy punishment than hardhearted Is...

Hebrews 6:1

Overview - Hebrews 6 1?He exhorts not to fall back from the faith; 11?but to be stedfast, 12?diligent, and patient to wait upon God; 13?because God is...

Romans 12:11

Overview - Romans 12 1?God's mercies must move us to please God. 3?No man must think too well of himself; 6?but everyone attend on that calling wher...

John 4:12

Overview - John 4 1?Christ talks with a woman of Samaria, and reveals himself unto her. 27?His disciples marvel. 31?He declares to them his zeal for G...

Types of Christ

Types of Christ Adam Romans 5:14 ; 1?Corinthians 15:45 Abel Genesis 4:8 Genesis 4:10 ; Hebrews 12:24 Abraham Genesis 17:5 ; Ephesians ...

Hebrews 12:19

Hebrews 12:19 And the sound of a trumpet ( Exodus 19:16 Exodus 19:19 ) ( 20:18 ) , which made it still more awful, as the sound of the trumpet will a...

Mark 8:17

Overview - Mark 8 1?Christ feeds the people miraculously; 10?refuses to give a sign to the Pharisees; 14?admonishes his disciples to beware of the lea...

1 John 3:5

Overview - 1?John 3 1?He declares the singular love of God towards us, in making us his sons; 3?who therefore ought obediently to keep his commandmen...

Philippians 4:11

Overview - Philippians 4 1?From particular admonitions, 4?he proceeds to general exhortations, 10?shewing how he rejoiced at their liberality towards...

John 8:53

Overview - John 8 1?Christ delivers the woman taken in adultery. 12?He declares himself the light of the world, and justifies his doctrine; 31?promise...


Secret Alms (charitable donations) to be given in Matthew 6:4 Prayer to be offered in Matthew 6:6 Of others not to be divulged Proverbs 25:9 ; ...

Luke 18:4

Overview - Luke 18 1?Of the importunate widow. 9?Of the Pharisee and the publican. 15?Of Children brought to Christ. 18?A ruler would follow Christ, ...

Ezekiel 43:21

Overview - Ezekiel 43 1?The returning of the glory of God into the temple. 7?The sin of Israel hindered God's presence. 10?The prophet exhorts them t...

Psalms 44:21

Overview - Psalms 44 1?The church, in memory of former favours, 7?complains of her present evils. 17?Professing her integrity, 24?she fervently prays...

Psalms 45:3

Overview - Psalms 45 1?The majesty and grace of Christ's kingdom. 10?The duty of the church, and the benefits thereof. Treasury of Scripture Knowledge...