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Found 439 Results for is 1-2
What Exactly Is Fasting All About?

Lauren Sanchez

If you've attended church for awhile you've probably heard the word "fasting." But, what exactly is fasting? Why do we do it? How do we do it? And, what are some Biblical examples of fasting? What i...

Is It True that “Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God?”

Ashley Hooker

My husband often talks about when he was a little boy and went shopping with his mom, he would play a joke on her. He would leave her side and go to the customer service desk and say he was lost. Then...

How to Be a Living Sacrifice (Romans 12)

Jarrid Wilson

We all make mistakes. We all mess up. We all fall short. But in the core of your heart, do you understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus?...

How Should Christians Live in a World that’s Not Our Home?

Annette Griffin

How can Christians live ‘in the world’ but not be ‘of the world? Viewing the treacherous condition of this world from God’s perspective can be overwhelming. Here’s the good news: that bad news is...

7 Short but Mighty Lessons from the Book of James

Blair Parke

When people think about the book of James, they can probably attest to one or two words of wisdom they have gained from James that have impacted them.James, believed to be one of the brothers of ...

Embracing Silence: What Is a Quiet Time and Why Do We Need It?

Heather Adams

As Christians, our main purpose is to worship God. But we live in such a hectic world that it’s no wonder we so easily become scattered and distracted from that purpose. Setting aside regular ...

10 Verses for When You Can't Sleep

Debbie McDaniel

Many of us have been there. Middle of the night. Darkness surrounds. Stars shining brightly. All is quiet. All should be at peace. Except for one problem. We can’t sleep. Thoughts are swirling, an...

Seven 'Last Days' Passages You'll Rarely Hear Pastors Preach On

When was the last time you heard a "last days" sermon from the Old Testament?...

5 Mighty Lessons Nahum Has for Believers Today

Brad Simon

Amid the darkness, Nahum exemplified unwavering faith and obedience. Chosen by God, this humble prophet conveys a powerful message to the people of Judah. He sought to awaken the hearts of the people ...

What Does Proverbs 19:23 Say about the Hardships We Face?

Emma Danzey

Maybe your life has been more than untouched by trouble, perhaps you have encountered genuine harm, or you have been visited by evil? Why would the Lord say this, if the opposite a...

Wordplay in Jonah

What is a “bank”? Is it the land beside a river? A financial institution? Yes, depending. It’s ambiguous until you know the context. In a similar (but more sophisticated) way, the author of Jonah play...

6 Simple Ways to Count Joy When Life Is Difficult

Micah Maddox

How can we count joy like James speaks of even in trials and temptation? Is it really even possible? The Bible gives us a good idea of the answer, and I want to share some of the verses and reasons we...

25 Bible Quotes on Faith for When You Can't See God's Next Steps for Your Life

Josie Siler

Let’s look at some Bible quotes on faith and see if we can understand what it means to have faith when we can’t see God’s next steps for our lives....

God is Our Shelter

The force of God’s righteousness and mercy is the foundation on which His promises are built. He does not change, and His promises are as dependable as He is....

What Does 'As a Man Thinketh So Is He' Mean in the Bible?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

“As a man thinketh so is he” may sound like positive thinking jargon, but it has something wiser and more profound than we may realize hiding inside it. So what can this famous Bible verse teach us?...

What Is the Christian's Place in Society?

Michael Jakes

It's something we have all likely been struggling with this year. We know we are to be in the world, but not of it. However, God did still place us in our communities for a reason. So how are Christia...

5 Powerful, Relevant Reminders from the Life of Hannah

Emma Danzey

There is a verse in the Scriptures that is often misquoted. Psalm 37:4 says, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This is not a guarantee that we will “get what ...

Who Wrote Proverbs?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom and instruction. It's one of the most often quoted books of the Bible, and many of the sayings found in Proverbs have become common sayings for us today. But jus...

When Was Judaism Founded According to the Bible?

Valerie Fentress

Judaism is one of the three major religions of our world. But when was Judaism founded? ...