Search Results for jer 9-11

Found 243 Results for jer 9-11

Persecution [N] [T] [E]Just as the Bible graphically describes the introduction and spread of sin in the world, it also depicts the presence and reali...

11.4. Summary of the Millennial Kingdom

It is not our purpose here to describe the Millennial Kingdom at great length. It is a large topic and the subject of scores of prophecies, especiall...

13.4. Jacob?s Trouble and the Great Tribulation

Two other titles which are related to the coming Day of the Lord are the Time of Jacob?s Trouble and the Great Tribulation.1 Notice that all three in...

Revelation 12:1

The scene which John is shown next is an extension of what has preceded. In the previous chapter, Revelation 11 , John was shown two witnesses who pro...

7.5.2. Literal Understanding of Numbers

In studying the book of Revelation, one is immediately struck by the prevailing bias of many commentators against understanding numbers in their norm...

Revelation 13:15

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast The power given to the False Prophet here is perhaps the apex of what God has ever allo...

3.2.5. Five Fallen Kings

The five kings which had fallen by John?s day (Rev. Rev. 17:10+) appear to represent kingdoms (see #4 - Seven Heads/Kings). Assuming Rome is the king...


Denial To know what is true, yet confess a falsehood; the forsaking of self in wholehearted consecration to Christ and in service to his kingdom. The ...

Amos, Theology of

Amos, Theology of Like all biblical prophets, Amos spoke the oracles of Yahweh, Israel's God, to people in a particular context. In order to comprehen...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...

Isaiah 38:17

Isaiah 38:17 Behold, for peace I had great bitterness Meaning not that instead of peace and prosperity, which he expected would ensue upon the destruc...

Servant, Service

Servant, Service The words servant, service, and serve, in various forms, occur well over 1, 100 times in the New International Version. People are...


\\INTRODUCTION TO AMOS\\ This book in the Hebrew Bibles is called Sepher Amos, the Book of Amos; and, in the Vulgate Latin and Syriac versions, the P...


Sleep [N]In the Scriptures the words that designate sleep are used in both a literal and a figurative way. When the word is used literally, as it freq...

Revelation 2:9

I know See commentary on Revelation 2:2. tribulation and poverty The connection between tribulation and poverty is found in the likelihood that their...


Joy [N] [T]Happiness over an unanticipated or present good. In the Old Testament joy (Heb. sama[;j;m'f])covers a wide range of human experiences?from ...


Magic [N] [E]The Old Testament. Magicthe attempt to exploit supernatural powers by formulaic recitations to achieve goals that were otherwise unrealiz...

Revelation 3:7

the angel See the discussion concerning the identity of the angel at Revelation 1:20. church in Philadelphia See commentary on Seven Churches of Asia....

Revelation 15:3

they sing ??????? [Adousin] , present tense, they are singing. the song of Moses Some take the song of Moses to commemorate the victory which God gav...

Revelation 7:1

After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgment...