Search Results for jeremiah 42

Found 29 Results for jeremiah 42
Is Concupiscence, a Strong Sexual Desire, a Sin?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Concupiscence is one of those words which derives its meaning from the context—specifically the object toward which it is directed. At its core, concupiscence is desire or coveting (epithymia)....

What Do We Know about the Apostle Peter?

Pamela Palmer

Peter was not a perfect person, but he is someone that Christians today can look to for guidance on having hearts devoted to Jesus. Through Scripture, we can learn some important things about who Pete...

What Does It Mean that Jesus Is the Lamb of God?

Meghan Trapp

It’s not easy to imagine Jesus as the “Lamb of God.” But the name gives an important clue to what Jesus would do....

What Was Jesus' First Miracle?

Bethany Verrett

The Bible compares the relationship between Christ and the church as that of a groom and his bride, and one day He will drink wine with His bride in Heaven, making it special that His first miracle wa...

Who Decided What Went into the Bible?

Hal Seed

Just about everyone wants to know how the sixty-six books got chosen to be in the Bible. Why these sixty-six? Why not a few more (or a few less)? Why these books and not others?...

What Does Psalm 135:6 Mean for the Coronavirus?

Stephanie Englehart

Friends do not let God's good pleasure, in any matter, scare you away or harden your hearts in anger. Rather, let His good pleasure mold your heart to His—let it help you see the greatness of who God ...

What Does the Bible Say about Social Justice?

John D. Barry

When you hear the term “social justice,” what emotion do you feel? For some people, the term evokes thoughts of “justice” for them personally or for their community. Other pe...

6 Times Deconstruction Really Is a Good Thing

Meredith N Mills

For some, this type of deconstruction may look like remodeling a single room. For others, it may resemble the complete renovation of an entire structure. In both cases, though, deconstruction can hono...

How to Drop the Weight of Past Pain

Frank Santora

Past pain must be dealt with properly, using the mighty spiritual weapons that destroy strongholds in our lives. If not, past pain can be triggered unexpectedly in our lives, cause damage, and severel...