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Found 2138 Results for just
The Son of Man: Why Jesus’ Favorite Name for Himself Has Deep Meaning for Us

Kyle Blevins

We read that Jesus was called many names throughout the Bible, but Son of Man stands apart for several reasons. The number of times we see this name alone separates it from some of the others. Just ...

Discipleship: What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus?

Ed Jarrett

Jesus called twelve men to follow him and be his disciples. They did not just cheer Jesus on in the work he did. These men left behind their nets, tax booth, and whatever else they had done before, an...

Beyond Sunday: The Requirement of Justice - And Love

Just? Surely then he will punish; no, for this very reason he will pardon. ...

How Can We Stop, Listen and Obey God's Voice?

Cindy Collier

A covenant is an agreement that involves obligations. It is a conditional promise or a promise with responsibilities. An example of this is: if you do this then I’ll do this or if you listen to me and...

Keep an Eye Out for These Signs of a False Prophet

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

False prophets have been around honestly since the very beginning. You could say that the first false prophet appeared in the Garden of Eden with the serpent’s lie to Adam and Eve. The truth of the ma...

7 Truths to Prepare for a God-Honoring Marriage during Your Engagement

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you are engaged, I want to congratulate you for desiring to get married. After your decision to follow Christ, the person you choose to marry is the next most important decision you will make in th...

What Is Sloth, and Is It Sinful?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

“Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger” (Proverbs 19:15).The sloth or slothful person. Just the mere thought of that word creates an image that even if you don’t ...

6 Easy Tips to Strengthen Your Quiet Time This Summer

Kirstyn Mayden

Devotional time is a focused, intentional quiet time that is set aside to spend with God through prayer, reading/studying Scripture, or journal writing. Devotional time can include many different meth...

Labor Day: A Day of Rest We Should All Enjoy

Blair Parke

Ahh, Labor Day. The last holiday weekend of the summer before we all jump headfirst into fall plans and preparations for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s the weekend where we might have our last dip i...

5 Ways Jesus Said "I Love You" with His Life

Lisa Brown

Jesus said “I Love You” with his life by showing up for all of us and giving us hope for our messy lives. He left His throne to come to earth and save us from our miserable selves. It&rs...

What Does the Old Testament Say about Social Justice?

Ed Jarrett

God’s expectation is not just that judicial justice would prevail. But that acting justly toward others would also be a priority. That we would be doing what is right in our dealings with other people...

People are Messy

We were put on this earth to do life with one another. We are better together than we are apart – even with all of the complications of relationships....

Does Christianity Encourage “Hustle Culture?”

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Hustle culture is the mindset that you must always be working hard in pursuit of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. The engagement in the hustle takes center place in your life as you go after your ...

5 Ways to Make Christmas Day about More than Just Presents

Kayli Thompson

After weeks (months?) of planning, Christmas day seems to come and go in a flash. Before you know it, the gifts are all opened, the food is eaten and the family is scattered. Is there a way to reclaim...

10 Biblical Baby Names for Boys

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? Do you just love coming up with names? The Bible is a great place to look for baby name inspiration! Which Bible name would you choose for your son?...

3 Encouraging Reasons We Should Let Vengeance Be the Lord's

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Deuteronomy 32:35 says “Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly." Wait a minute, that doesn’t...

6 Hebrew Words Every Believer Should Know

Mike Leake

“You sit over there in that holler, and I’ll try to run a deer over to ya.”“The what?!?”“The holler. Over yonder.”Some of our readers are visualizing a place out in the woods, the low place where if o...

What Does it Look Like for the Just to Live by Faith?

Jason Soroski

It is an easy trap to fall into, and we are all just a social post away from it ourselves. Yet the Bible clearly teaches that we are not to seek attention, applause, or anything that might puff us up,...

Top 10 Weird Bible Stories

Amy Green

Sure, the Bible has the classics that most Christians have heard since they were young—David and Goliath, Noah and the ark, Jesus healing the blind man. But within the pages of Scripture are many stor...