Search Results for led

Found 95 Results for led

Sacred Stream Dr. Jacob Chamberlain, an early missionary to India recalls that while preaching to a group who had come to bathe in the "sacred stream" of the Ganges, a man joined them who had crawled ...


Before the United States pulled its troops out of Lebanon, Anthony Lewis wrote a column titled, "The Longer We Stay, The Harder It Will Be to Get Out." He was concerned about the "no turning b...


It's rare to find a mistake in the movies. They are well researched. But some moviegoers have made a hobby of finding those mistakes. In Indiana Jones, the leading character flies across the Atlantic ...

Where Have All the Bold Pastors Gone?

Dr. Jerry Newcombe

During this election season, religion has come up many times. But for the most part, we haven’t heard from many pastors....

Giving the Best to God

An elderly mother in Scotland gave up her son to the Lord. One day she went to a missionary society meeting where only contributing members were admitted. The doorkeeper asked, "Are you a contributor?...

Inspiration of Example

Henry Ward Beecher related an incident about Charles Smith, a laborer on his father's farm in Litchfield, Connecticut. He said, "He had a little room, in one corner of which I had a small cot. A...

Life Tested By Afflictions

Early in my ministry, I met a man named Worral. He had been stricken with Rheumatoid Arthritis at age 15, and when I met him 30 years later, he was totally paralyzed except for 1 finger, could bare...

People Of God

The largest group of native Americans east of the Mississippi is also the most mysterious. They are the Lumbee people of eastern North Carolina. Because they were able to quickly adapt to the white Eu...

Servant Leader

Philip Pillsbury had an international reputation as a connoisseur of fine foods. But to his employees, he was one of the troops. He bore the unmistakable mark of a journeyman grain miller - the tips o...


David Jeremiah points out that, "In a Sports Illustrated interview, baseball hero Mickey Mantle once described his long battle with alcohol and his heartbreaking problems with his family. The intervie...

Result Of Sin

Ten Commandments Parents do many things because they want the best for their children in the long run. Some actions may feel restrictive or even harsh at the moment, but parents believe that fruit ...


Have you seen these answers to test questions from teachers in Christian schools? • Adam and eve were created from an apple tree. Noah's wife was Joan of ark. Noah built an ark and the animals c...

Personal Dedication

In the 1840's, a young man who was an earnest Christian found employment in a pawn shop. Although he disliked the work, he did it faithfully "as unto the Lord". To prepare himself for a life o...


Rigby In the late 1800's and early 1900's, Alexander Whyte pastored a large church in Edinburgh. During that time, a salesman by the name of Rigby would travel to Edinburgh regularly just to hear h...

Illustration: Valleys

Besides the Bible's Valley of Megiddo, the most famous valley in literature is surely Alfred, Lord Tennyson's valley of death in his poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade," written to commemorate the ...

Death Of Christ

The Tiger and the Lamb In a collection of Negro folk tales, William J. Faulkner related the story of a disobedient lamb. A mother sheep had warned her little ones, "Do not go near the river, for a bad...

Forgiveness, Resentment

In his At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends, President Dwight Eisenhower tells how he learned to forgive. When he was ten, he became so angry about something that he beat his fists into an old a...

Christ Brings Us To The Father

The story is told that many years ago, a little boy was visiting London with his family, and he decided he wanted to see the king. Of course, when he arrived at the palace, the gates were closed and t...


Human Enjoined When Joseph's brothers came before him in Egypt asking for food, he faced a stiff test. Years before, they had threatened to kill him. Then they sold him into slavery. But Joseph forgav...