Search Results for matt 24-25

Found 93 Results for matt 24-25

Faith [N] [T] [E]Belief, trust, and loyalty to a person or thing. Christians find their security and hope in God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and say ...

Redeem, Redemption

Redeem, Redemption Finding its context in the social, legal, and religious customs of the ancient world, the metaphor of redemption includes the ideas...

Matthew 10

MATTHEW. CHAPTER X. The Call and Charge to the Apostles. SUMMARY.--The Twelve Apostles. The Charge. To Whom Sent. How to Go. What to Preach. What...


Body [N]Old Testament. The doctrine of creation sets forth the essential corporeality of human existence. When God created Adam and Eve, he provided t...

Site of the Pretorium

The members of the Sanhedrim who led Jesus to John xviii. 28-33 Pilate, refuse to enter the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; and thereupon...

Type, Typology

Type, Typology The type is perhaps the least understood but most important concept in the hermeneutics of biblical prophecy. Typological prophecy occu...


Wealth [N]The most basic English definitions of wealth are the condition of being happy and prosperous and spiritual well-being (OED). But the most co...

Jude 1

JUDE. ? ? ? 1, 2. Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ. See for his identification. Had he been an apostle, he would hardly have omitted to state i...


Sanctuary [N] [E]In the Old Testament the word miqdas [v'D.qim] (from qds, holy, implying a distinction between space that is sacred versus profane) ...

Homily XVI.

Homily XVI.Homily XVI. John i. 19.-And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?[1.]...


Spirituality [N]Hebrew Spirituality. Hebrew spirituality is a life lived within the framework defined by God's saving Acts in his history with his peo...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Homily 19

Homily XIX.Homily XIX. Hebrews x. 19-23.-Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...


Salvation [N] [T] [E]Of the many Hebrew words used to signify salvation, yasa [[;vy] (to save, help in distress, rescue, deliver, set free) appears mo...

Homily 34

Homily XXXIV.Homily XXXIV. Hebrews xiii. 17.-Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. For they watch for your souls, as they that...

Book III

OF BAPTISM. BAPTISM is not an ordinance administered in the church, but out of it, and in order to admission into it, and communion with it; persons...

The Baptist's Imprisonment

Hearing whilst in Jerusalem of the imprisonment of Matt. iv. 12. John the Baptist, the Lord leaves Judea and goes into MARKi. 14, 15. Galilee to be...

War, Holy War

War, Holy War Despite the fact that many nations have used Scripture passages out of context to promote martial ventures, the Old Testament does not g...


Messiah [N] [E] [H] [S]The term messiah is the translation of the Hebrew term masiah [jyiv'm], which is derived from the verb masah, meaning to smear...