Search Results for new jerusalem

Found 318 Results for new jerusalem
How Many Missionary Journeys Did Paul Take?

Scripture does not tell us whether or not Paul traveled to Spain, but in the Book of Acts and in Paul’s letters, we can tell that Paul went on many more than four journeys....

A New Year's Plea: Plan!

John Piper

We all take steps to see that we have enough to eat and clothes to keep us warm. But do we take our spiritual needs that seriously? Do we apply the same earnestness in planning to maximize our ministr...

Who Was Silas, and What Did He Do for the Early Church?

Mike Leake

Silas was instrumental for the spread of the gospel in the early church. Silas would have also been vital to the establishment of the churches in Macedonia (like Philippians). It seems like Silas was ...

Where Was Jesus Born? - 5 Things to Know about Bethlehem

Andreas Köstenberger | Jimmy Roh

The Bible tells us that Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, which is just south of Jerusalem. It's a fact that most Christians and many non-Christians know, due to its inclusion in several popula...

Mark: from Young Follower to Church Father

Ed Jarrett

While Mark likely never traveled with Jesus, he clearly was familiar with him. It is likely that Jesus visited his home while in Jerusalem. And it is certain that the early church used his home as a m...

Living as Christian Exiles

Christians are not strangers because they have moved from their homeland to a new country. They are exiles because their identity has so radically changed....

How Do We See the Gospel in the Book of Nehemiah?

Mike Leake

This heart change, as we read from the other prophets, would require a new covenant. Jesus, and His work of redemption, is what the “thud” in Nehemiah 13 is crying out for. Real “revival” only happens...

Do We Know Where Jesus Was Buried?

Jeannie Myers

Several years ago, a team of archaeologists and other scientists were given permission to remove the marble cladding around the burial shelf in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. There was...

Seven 'Last Days' Passages You'll Rarely Hear Pastors Preach On

When was the last time you heard a "last days" sermon from the Old Testament?...

Acts: The Remedy for "Irrelevant" Church

In our day one of the nicer things said about the institutional church is that it is “irrelevant.” The book of Acts carries the remedy....

The Greatest Biblical Villain - Who Was King Nebuchadnezzar?

Meg Bucher

King Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest and most powerful of all the Babylonia kings. His name means “Oh Nabu (a Babylonian god), protect my son (or my boundary), according to the New Intern...

What Christians Should Know about Barnabas in the Bible

Jessica Brodie

Barnabas truly was a “man of encouragement.” He gave his life to the church and sacrificed much for the faith. He, along with Paul and other Christian leaders of his time, was instrumental in spreadin...

Are You Waiting for God at the Pool of Bethesda?

Betty Dunn

There was a crowd of people at the Pool of Bethesda, but this lame man was the only person healed by Jesus that day, according to the Gospel of John. ...

What Do We Know about Solomon’s Temple?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Solomon's temple was a great architectural achievement in Israel's golden age. But what led to this spectacular building being made in the first place?...

How Did Ahijah Predict That Israel Would Split?

Connor Salter

Ahijah was a prophet from the town of Shiloh (1 Kings 11:29). Like many prophets, he served as a spokesperson for when God wanted to inform rulers of what he was going to do. ...

Is There a Mother God?

Dr. Michael A. Milton

To be clear, the Bible never says that the Lord God is Mother God. The Bible declares that the Lord is like the universally admired maternal instincts. The Lord uses similitudes to help us unders...

Who Was Isaiah and Why Is He Important?

Dawn Wilson

I have to admit something to my shame. I never read the book of Isaiah until 2017. Oh, I read and even memorized a few verses, but I was afraid to tackle the book, thinking it would be too difficult. ...

4 Miracle Prophecies Christians Should Know about Israel

Adrian Rogers

"Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favor her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favor the dust thereof. So the heathen shall fear the...

How Does Ezekiel’s Vision of Dry Bones Connect to Pentecost?

Ed Jarrett

I do not believe there are any “coincidences” in the Bible. I believe that the author of the Bible, God, is intentional in what he includes. And that much of the Old Testament is only understood fully...