Search Results for peleg

Found 71 Results for peleg
Genesis 11:17

Genesis 11:17 And Eber lived, after he begat Peleg, four hundred and thirty] years All the years of his life were four hundred and sixty four: and he...

Genesis 11:18

Overview - Genesis 11 1?One language in the world. 2?The building of Babel. 5?It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders disper...

Genesis 11:19

Overview - Genesis 11 1?One language in the world. 2?The building of Babel. 5?It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders disper...

Genesis 11:17

Overview - Genesis 11 1?One language in the world. 2?The building of Babel. 5?It is interrupted by the confusion of tongues, and the builders disper...

Genesis 10:25

Genesis 10:25 And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg Bochart F11 thinks, that either Peleg, or one of his posterity, in memory of...


The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 7466 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originw[rfor (07471) in the sense of (07453)Transliterat...

Genesis 11:19

Genesis 11:19 And Peleg lived, after he begat Reu, two hundred and nine years In all two hundred and thirty nine, little more than half the age of his...

Postdiluvian Chronology

Postdiluvian Chronology We have already seen that it was 1656 years from the creation of Adam to the flood. Now in order to find how long it was fro...

1 Chronicles 1:25

Overview - 1?Chronicles 1 1?Adam's line to Noah. 5?The sons of Japheth. 8?The sons of Ham. 17?The sons of Shem. 24?Shem's line to Abraham. 29?Ishmae...

Luke 3:35

Luke 3:35 Which was the son of Saruch The Septuagint call him Serouch, the same with Serug, ( Genesis 11:22 Genesis 11:23 ) which was the son of Ra...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 07466 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originw[rfor (07471) in the sense of (07453)Translitera...

Genesis 10:25

Overview - Genesis 10 1?The generations of Noah. 2?Japheth. 6?Ham. 8?Nimrod the first monarch, and the descendants of Canaan. 21?The sons of Shem. ...

Hebrews 7:3

Hebrews 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent Which is to be understood not of his person, but of his priesthood; that his father was no...

Luke 3:34

Overview - Luke 3 1?The preaching and baptism of John; 15?his testimony of Christ; 19?Herod imprisons John; 21?Christ, baptized, receives testimony fr...


EBER e'-ber (`ebher; Eber, in Gen; Obed, in Ch): (1) Occurs in the genealogies (Genesis 10:21,25; 11:14) as the great-grandson of Shem and father of ...

Genesis 11:18

Genesis 11:18 And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu.] Or Ragau, as he is called in the Septuagint version, the letter (e) being pronounced as a ...

1 Chronicles 1:19

Overview - 1?Chronicles 1 1?Adam's line to Noah. 5?The sons of Japheth. 8?The sons of Ham. 17?The sons of Shem. 24?Shem's line to Abraham. 29?Ishmae...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 05677 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originrb[the same as (05676)Transliterated WordTDNT Ent...


The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 5677 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originrb[the same as (05676)Transliterated WordTDNT Entr...

Genesis 9:29

Genesis 9:29 And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years, &c.] He lived twenty years more than Adam did, and within nineteen of Methuse...