Search Results for romans

Found 58 Results for romans

Recently it was announced that Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain, is actually seven feet taller than was formerly thought. When you think that the mountain is more than 29,000 feet above sea l...

God's Standard

In her book, Sticking Up for What I Believe, Gwendolyn Mitchell Diaz answers questions that teenagers ask about God and life. Question #7 is "Isn't living a good life good enough?" Many people falsel...

Love That Lasts

A cartoon in a national magazine recently showed a couple standing before a minister during their wedding. The minister, looking at the bride, said, "The correct response is 'I do' - not 'It's worth a...

Christmas, Traditions

In northern Europe, a walk through a winter's forest is a bleak affair—white, stark, cold, lifeless except for occasional boughs of green holly bearing bright red berries. In Medieval times, these bou...

Illustration: Holy Spirit, Security

David Jeremiah wrote: "It would be nice to be told, when we leave on a long car trip, something like this: 'I want you to know that you are going to reach your destination safely and on schedule. Rega...

Call To Ministry

"Those who are truly sent by God . . . are marked by the fact that they are faithful to the message of the Gospel, exalting the Lord Jesus Christ, proclaiming to men the good news of salvation through...

Illustration: Evil, Sin

In his message the Sunday after 9/11, John Huffman said, “Accept the fact that life is not easy and that there are wicked people in this world."...

Illustration: Thankfulness, Providence

In his Church & Culture blog, James Emery White shares this story: The barracks where Corrie ten Boom and her sister Betsy were kept in the Nazi concentration camp Ravensbruck were terribly overcrowde...

Illustration: Cleansing from Sin

In a recent edition of the Daily Hope with Rick Warren email newsletter, Jon Walker writes: “Jasmine is my beautiful and tenderhearted dog (cockapoo). She knows it is wrong to go near an old barn that...

If I Only Knew More

Philip Nation

Have you ever met that guy who just knew more than everyone else in the room? Or wanted to prove it? Does knowing any of this make you feel better about life and eternity? No, as Ecclesiastes shows....

What Will I Serve for Dinner?

Parents ask this question on a daily basis. “Should I microwave some TV dinners or make a salad? Pastors make similar decisions for their church families on a weekly basis. Every week, every pastor wo...

When a Story Is the Best Response

Whenever we face a communication challenge, telling a story is a good option, and sometimes it is the very best option....

The Primacy of Preaching in a Healthy Church

Mark Dever explains why the regular diet of the church should consist of the explanation and application of particular portions of God’s Word. ...

Preaching for Life Change

Are there some particular insights you’ve gained during the years that help you preach for life change?...

Five Things You Need to Know About Preaching Through the Books of Scripture

Many pastors are intimidated by the thought of preaching all the way through an entire book of the Bible. Some fear that congregational excitement will be hard to sustain and that pastor and congregat...