Search Results for the truth will set you free

Found 142 Results for the truth will set you free
5 Ways Counting Your Blessings Can Change the Trajectory of Your Day

Meg Bucher

Even on the hardest days, we are all blessed if we have air to breath, food to eat, and a Savior who loves us completely. But let's be honest, some days it is much harder to remember that than others....

What God Really Thinks about Women

Sharon Jaynes

We can tell how beloved women are to God by how radically Jesus treated women as he walked the earth. He broke every societal rule to include, encourage, and uplift women--and believes in you the same...

What Does It Mean to Fall from Grace?

Michael Jakes

In modern English, a "fall from grace" usually refers to someone who has made a mistake and lost their credibility. But in Biblical terms, it has a much stronger connotation, hearkening back to Adam a...

8 Comforting Things Jesus Says about Soul Rest

Micah Maddox

There are specific instructions Jesus gives that help us clarify how we can receive and practice true rest. Walk with me through each phrase of Matthew 11:28-30 and let’s uncover the truth tucked with...

21 Prayers for Strength in Difficult Times

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Whether you’ve had an incredible year or an incredibly difficult one, this compilation of prayers will serve as a guide for when you don’t have the words to say or ask of God to give you strength....

Healing Prayers for Depression When the Darkness is Overwhelming

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

Depression numbers have skyrocketed in the wake of a global pandemic. Recent reports show a 3-fold rise in depression symptoms in the U.S. Christians are not immune to depression nor is the Bible sile...

3 Reasons Christians Should Stop Worrying about the Mark of the Beast

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Many people are worried about the mark of the beast these days. Whether they fear it will come from a vaccine, or some other source, many are concerned that they will be tricked into taking the mark. ...

What Does "Wait on the Lord" Really Mean?

Allie Boman

What did Isaiah mean when he wrote those words: “wait upon the Lord”? What would it feel like to have eagles’ wings at a time like this? To put it simply, it all boils down to wh...

How Can Fathers Raise Kids without Provoking Them to Anger?

Jason Soroski

It is clear that fathers have a role to set the tone for Godliness in our homes. When fathers tell their kids how much better we were at their age, compare them to others unfairly, demand compliance t...

Is the Term 'Bondservant' the Best Way to Describe Slavery in the Bible?

Stephen Baker

The word bondservant is an alternate word used for slave. It comes from the Greek word doulos, which is found in the New Testament. ...

Why Should Christians Be Concerned about Moral Relativism?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

Does the Bible provide any insights on moral relativism’s ideas and the dangers it brings?...

Is it Always Sinful to Lie?

Alyssa Roat

God knows we all have the propensity to lie. But what does the Bible say about lying as a sin?...

Why Did Jesus Say, 'I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life'?

Mary Oelerich-Meyer

On the last night of his life, Jesus made a monumental claim to his disciples: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” What did he mean by that?...

How to Know 'Joy Comes in the Morning' in Your Darkest Hour

Josie Siler

But a shout of joy comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5, NASB). The word used here for joy is the Hebrew word rinnah. It means “ringing cry of entreaty, supplication” or “ringing cry in proclamation, joy...

How to Demolish Strongholds According to 2 Corinthians 10

Emma Danzey

We as Christ followers have the ability to demolish strongholds. The Greek word for stronghold is ochuróma. It implies a place of refuge and safety, when in actuality, it is a prison. Sometimes w...

Prayers for Lent for Renewal in the 2022 Lenten Season

Lia Martin

Every spring, we’re offered a beautiful opportunity to “…throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1). So whether you are considering giving up something for ...

How Should Christians Make the Most of Every Opportunity?

Vivian Bricker

There are many ways Christians can make the most of every opportunity. Simple things throughout your day can be turned into opportunities for service to God. Being patient, kind, and caring for others...

How Can You Be Certain That Jesus Is God?

Meg Bucher

Jesus stands at the center of salvation, He is the author of freedom: “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36...

5 Powerful Reasons You Need to Study the Bible

Michael Jakes

Because the church was unequipped, those with harmful intentions were able to find a place among the people of God and introduce doctrines of demons. Every child of God needs to guard against the thre...

How's Your Love Life?

Part of godliness is loving—as He loved—sacrificially, selflessly. Loving others not just with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. ...