Search Results for unapproachable light

Found 100 Results for unapproachable light
1 Timothy 6

The Book of 1?TimothyChapter 6Verses:6:1Let servants under the yoke - Of heathen masters. Account them worthy of all honour - All the honour due from ...

Revelation 21:3

a loud voice from heaven The NU text has from the throne. A loud voice from heaven told John not to write what the seven thunders uttered (Rev. Rev. ...

Dante and the Divine Comedy

XLVIII. DANTE AND THE DlVlNE COMEDY. * Once upon a time, as the story-books would say, or, to speak more historically and exactly, in the year of ou...

Homily XII.

Homily XII.Homily XII. John i. 14.-And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the Only-Begotten of the Father, fall of grace and truth.[1.] Perhaps we s...

The King - continued

X.?THE KING? Continued. IN our last chapter we have seen that the keynote of The Songs of the King may be said to be struck in Psalm xviii. Its comp...

Sermon LI. A Homily Delivered on the Saturday Before the Second Sunday in Lent-On the Transfiguration, S. Matt. XVII. 1-13.

Sermon LI. A Homily Delivered on the Saturday Before the Second Sunday in Lent-On the Transfiguration, S. Matt. XVII. 1-13.Sermon LI. A Homily Deliver...


Heart [N] [E]Heart (Hebrew lebab/leb [b'bel], Gk. kardia [kardiva]) occurs over one thousand times in the Bible, making it the most common anthropolog...

Why Stand Ye Gazing Up Into Heaven?

WHY STAND YE GAZING UP INTO HEAVEN? Why stand ye gazing up into heaven f Acts i. n. Sunday after Ascension Day, 1877. Once again the disciples ...

Sermon XVII

SERMON XVII. CHRISTIAN HUMILITY. 1 Peter V. 5.? Be clothed with humility. Humility is a grace that pertains exclusively to the Christian religion. ...

The Revelation of Man

THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION I THE REVELATION OF MAN But one hath somewhere testified, saying, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? Or th...

Book III

Book IIIBook III ?1. This Third Book Shows a Third Fall of Eunomius, as Refuting Himself, and Sometimes Saying that the Son is to Be Called Only Begot...

Oration XLV.

Oration XLV.Oration XLV.The Second Oration on Easter. This Oration was not, as its title would perhaps lead us to suppose, delivered immediately after...

Revelation 17:14

these will make war ???????????? [Polem?sousin] , which indicates a protracted engagement rather than a single battle. The same word is translated, so...

My God Will Hear Me

XII MY GOD WILL HEAR MB Therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you. Blessed are all they that wait for Him. He will be very grac...


Tabernacle. [N] [T] [B] [E]The tabernacle was the tent of Jehovah, called by the same name as the tents of the people in the midst of which it stood....

1 Timothy 6


The Oration in Praise of the Emperor Constantine.

The Oration in Praise of the Emperor Constantine.The Oration in Praise of the Emperor Constantine.Pronounced on the Thirtieth Anniversary of His Reign...

Book III.

Book III.Book III. Chapter I. Statement of the reasons wherefore the matters, treated of shortly in the two former, are dealt with more at length in t...

Oration XXXVII.

Oration XXXVII.Oration XXXVII.On the Words of the Gospel, When Jesus Had Finished These Sayings, Etc.-S. Matt. XIX. I.1. Jesus Who Chose The Fishermen...


Oration XXXVIIIOration XXXVIIIOn the Theophany, or Birthday of Christ. The Title of this Oration has given rise to a doubt whether it was preached on ...