Search Results for ungodly

Found 83 Results for ungodly
What Is Heresy and Is It Something We Should Be Worried About?

Sheila Alewine

As people who believe the Bible is our inerrant, infallible authority, we trust its words to tell us the truth about salvation, eternal life, and what it means to live pleasing to God in this world. O...

What Happens When We Choose to Think on Good Things

Frank Santora

Crazy thoughts, wrong thoughts, impure and ungodly thoughts, fearful and anxious thoughts pop into our minds, without any cause or warning. So how can we ever ensure that we think on “good” things?...

The Value of Learning History: A Lesson From Jude

The little letter of Jude teaches us something about the value of learning history. This is not the main point of the letter. But it is striking. In this next-to-last book of the Bible, Jude writes to...

How the Holy Spirit Helps You Read the Word of God

The Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of the reader is essential to his total understanding, appreciation, and implementation of Scripture....

7 Beautiful Ways We Can Reflect on God During a Commute

Emma Danzey

You might live just five minutes from the office, or you could be an hour away. But have you ever thought through how you can be intentional with your “in between” minutes?...

How to Cultivate Thankfulness When You Don't Feel Very Thankful

Heather Adams

We hear a lot about the season of thankfulness this time of year, but whether it's financial or personal struggles, anxiety or any number of other personal issues - it is sometimes really tough to...

10 Things You Should Know about Church Father Augustine

Josie Siler

Augustine was one of the most important church fathers, bridging the gap between ancient and medieval Christianity. But what makes him so important?...

Living Your Faith under Pressure

Even though Daniel experienced suffering, anxiety, humiliation, and persecution as a captive of the Babylonians, God had a plan for Daniel's life. And he has one for you ... no matter what you face....

How's Your Love Life?

Part of godliness is loving—as He loved—sacrificially, selflessly. Loving others not just with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. ...

Following Christ Through Feeling Bored with Doctrine

Lianna Davis

According to Jude’s personalized introduction, the Christian faith is to impact us in a fitting, subjective way. Meaning, we must be able to say, “This is my truth, my faith, my Lord,” and I am c...

Why Should We Know about Agur, Author of the Sayings in Proverbs 30

Lisa Loraine Baker

God used Agur to pen a chapter in the Bible. What an honor to be entrusted with inscribing words as part of the Holy Scriptures. ...

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

Mark Altrogge

What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths....

Who Are the Nicolaitans Found in Revelation?

Lisa Loraine Baker

As gleaned from these passages, we know the Nicolaitans sought to teach the church something other than the truth. Whether they added to or subtracted from, we do not know....

What Exactly Is the "Day of the Lord"?

Jessica Brodie

Is this a “good” and festive day, like a holiday or a Sabbath celebration? Is this a day of foreboding and dread, when something bad is going to happen?...

4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

What Does the End of the World Mean?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When the Bible talks about the end of the world, I think it's important to define what that statement really means. A better way to think about the end of the world is to think about the end of the wo...

Can Christians Use Crystals?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you think using crystals can help promote “good energy,” then the question you must consider is where is that energy coming from? I can assure you it is not the Holy Spirit....

A Deeper Study of the Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

Emma Danzey

I believe that gentleness is true strength. It is living like Jesus and not allowing emotions or stubbornness to get in the way of a surrendered life. ...

How to Find Strength in the Lord Like Elijah

Michael Jakes

The prophet Elijah was thrown into the grips of a depression that only God was able to bring him out of. Elijah’s experience teaches us several simple, but valuable lessons we all need to remember as ...