Search Results for word and of and god

Found 1917 Results for word and of and god
Pursuing a Passion for the Word of God

Michael Jakes

I was in a large bookstore some time back, and went upstairs to browse. When I got to my section, I noticed three teenage girls sitting on the floor shopping for Bibles for themselves. I was standing ...

5 Things We Should be Doing with God’s Word

Michael J. Kruger

Psalm 119 is an amazing Psalm. Not only is it the longest Psalm (176 verses!), but it is also the Psalm that deals the most directly with the topic of Scripture. Virtually every verse, in one way or a...

What Is Enmity and How Does It Relate to the Gospel?

Mike Leake

From the very beginning God was marching toward our redemption. When the first couple sinned, they placed themselves on a path of enmity. It was a path of enmity with one another (we see it in their b...

How Do We Present Ourselves to God as One Approved?

Lisa Loraine Baker

If a man, no matter how esteemed by earthly people, treats the Scriptures as anything but the inspired word of God, he will not stand before God as a worker approved. We are to pray and immerse oursel...

4 Simple Ways to Understand and Apply the Command to Abide

Bethany Verrett

The word "abide" appears all throughout Scripture. It's also a keyword that is tossed around in worship songs, sermons and throughout Christians circles. But what does this word actually mean? More to...

How (and Why) Should We "Study to Show Ourselves Approved"?

Cathy Baker

Years ago, I heard a pastor say that our spending choices reveal what truly matters in our hearts. I believe this could also be said about final words before death, as Paul demonstrates in 2 Timothy, ...

7 Tips to Actually Read Through the Bible in a Year

Sheila Alewine

John 1:1 – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”As a teenager growing up in a very conservative, independent, Baptist church, I was often challenged to make...

What Is the Authority of Scripture, and How Can We Trust It?

Jean Wilund

The authority of Scripture means every word and stroke of the Bible possesses the authority of God and the right to rule the hearts, minds, and bodies of every inhabitant of earth....

5 Prayers of Gratitude to Encourage Thankfulness All Year

Kirstyn Mayden

November rings in the holidays and the season of thankfulness. But the Bible tells us that we should give thanks every day of the year! That can feel like a big ask sometimes, but whether it feels eas...

What Does "Hallowed Be Thy Name" Mean?

Jason Soroski

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name” (Matthew 6:9). This phrase from The Lord’s Prayer is among the most widely known passages of Scripture, right along with th...

"Ebenezer" - Powerful Biblical Meaning and Importance

Ashley Hooker

The Bible is full of powerful words that if we dig deep enough, the meanings could change your life. The power with which God clothed each word of His book is amazing. One such word is Ebenezer. Thi...

4 Blessings of a Disciplined Faith

Kirstyn Mayden

Maybe it was a New Years resolution. Maybe it was an inspirational friend pushing you to do more. Maybe it was a convicting sermon. Regardless, you had high hopes to eat healthier, communicate better,...

3 Ways We Can Be Confident That God Is Our Refuge

Sheila Alewine

We cannot look for emotional experiences as the measure of God being our refuge. He is more than a “feeling.” He is a living God, who is active in our lives, and He wants us to find refuge in somethin...

Discover the Power of Luke's Gospel: A Greek Word Study without Greek

Those students of the Bible who don't read Greek can still reach beyond the English Bible to the original Greek in four easy steps....

4 Empowering Reminders from "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"

Kristi Walker

Martin Luther wrote this hymn as a declaration of his faith! Having faced trials, excommunication, sickness, depression, spiritual warfare, and death, he knew that God, his Mighty Fortress, would be h...

What Does it Mean That 'God Is Not a Man That He Should Lie' in Num. 23:19?

Aaron Brown

"God is not a man that he should lie." God’s word is intended to edify his followers, from book to book, chapter to chapter, we read a number of stories with consistent messages about the benefits of ...

5 Powerful Reasons You Need to Study the Bible

Michael Jakes

Because the church was unequipped, those with harmful intentions were able to find a place among the people of God and introduce doctrines of demons. Every child of God needs to guard against the thre...

Why Are There So Many Different Bible Translations?

Emma Danzey

May we remember the gift and the privilege to even have one full version of the Scriptures in our English language. We are in the top 10% around the world. Not only this, but we have multiple translat...

Study the Word for More Than Words

Staying a Christian in seminary means seeing the Bible as more than just a textbook. Delighting in God through taking in his word isn’t an annual, monthly, or even weekly event for the healthy Christi...

How Many Times Is Love Mentioned in the Bible?

Bethany Verrett

What drives people? There are some who say it is the material urges of survival, others say anger and hate. However, love of country, love of family, even love of self can rally people to powerful act...