Search Results for dan 1-2

Found 400 Results for dan 1-2
10.5. Church Betrothed to Christ

Having seen that the relationship between Israel and God is set forth in terms of a consummated marriage followed by divorce and eventual restoration...

2 Chronicles 2

The Book of 2?ChroniclesChapter 2Chapter Overview: Solomon appoints men to build the temple and his own house, ver. 1 - 2. His message to Huram, ver...


Serpents Created by God Job 26:13 Characterised as subtle Genesis 3:1 ; Matthew 10:16 Called crooked Job 26:13 ; Isaiah 27:1 Unclean an...

Revelation 4:2

I was in the Spirit Once again, John was ?in the Spirit,? as he was at the beginning of his vision (Rev. Rev. 1:10+). Ezekiel described his similar e...

Revelation 11:8

their dead bodies will lie in the street Lack of burial is particularly repugnant to the Jews. 1K. 14:11; 1K. 16:4; 2K. 2K. 9:37; Ps. Ps. 79:3; Jer. J...


Decrees [N]Decrees issued by rulers, written commands having the effect of law, and the metaphor of God as King of the world provide the imagery behin...

7.5.5. The Importance of the Old Testament

The main reason we have a tendency to look outside of Scripture for insights in our attempt at understanding the symbols within the book of Revelatio...

13.3. The Day of the Lord

A frequently found phrase throughout Scripture related to this time of trouble is the Day of the Lord (Isa. Isa. 2:10-22; Isa. 13:6, Isa. 13:9; Jer. J...

Revelation 13:4

So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast So is the conjunction ??? [kai] , often translated by and. It links that which follows w...

Revelation 14:8

Babylon Here is the first mention of Babylon found in this book. Some suggest that ?Babylon? should not be understood in a literal sense, but as deno...

Amos 1:2

Amos 1:2 And he said That is, the Prophet Amos, before described; he, being under divine inspiration, said as follows: the Lord will roar from Zion, a...

2 Samuel 24

Chapter 24 24:1 And a again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and b he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. (...

Daniel, The book of

Daniel, The book of, stands at the head of a series of writings in which the deepest thoughts of the Jewish people found expression after their close...

Revelation 17:14

these will make war ???????????? [Polem?sousin] , which indicates a protracted engagement rather than a single battle. The same word is translated, so...

Revelation 10:1

The judgments of the first six seals and first six trumpets are now behind us. The seventh trumpet yet remains?containing the seven bowls?which is its...

Revelation 19:15

Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword Out goes is ??????????? [ekporeuetai] : it is presently coming out. The MT text has a two-edged sword. He sho...

1 Kings 12

The Book of 1?KingsChapter 12Chapter Overview: Rehoboam succeeds and Jeroboam returns out of Egypt, ver. 1, 2. The peoples petition to Rehoboam, and h...

20.5.1. Order of Resurrection

The use of first to describe a resurrection which follows after Christ?s resurrection, gives us an initial clue that first cannot denote absolute chr...

Revelation 12:6

Then the woman fled The connective, ?Then,? indicates a sequence between the catching up of the child and the fleeing of the woman. But are these two ...

Revelation 1:9

I, John John also refers to himself this way in Rev. Rev. 21:2+ and Rev. 22:8+, perhaps indicating an awareness of his unworthiness and inadequacy in...