Search Results for gal 5

Found 892 Results for gal 5

Circumcision [N] [T] [E] [S]Removal of the foreskin or prepuce of the male genital organ, whether for religious reasons or as a purely hygienic measur...

Death of Christ

Death of Christ The Place in the Gospels. In the records of Jesus that the Gospels give us, it is clear that a place of supreme significance is given ...


Humility [N] [T] [E]Biblical humility is grounded in the character of God. The Father stoops down to help the poor and needy ( Psalm 113:4-9 ; 138:6-...


Apostle [N] [E] [S](Gk. apostolos [ajpovstolo]). Envoy, ambassador, or messenger commissioned to carry out the instructions of the commissioning aget....

New Command

New Command On the night before his death, Jesus gave a new command to his disciples: Love each other as I have loved you.The fact that Jesus called t...


Amen [N] [E] [S]In current usage, the term amen has become little more than a ritualized conclusion to prayers. Yet the Hebrew and Greek words for ame...

Revelation 3:4

a few even in Sardis God never lumps the faithful in with the errant in his assessment. Even in the midst of a wicked culture, there are those who tru...

Revelation 2:2

I know Perfect tense, ???? [oida] , ?I have known.? His knowledge of their past works results in the commendations and exhortations which presently f...

Revelation 3:12

overcomes See. Who is the Overcomer? I will make him a pillar in the temple Some have seen this as an allusion to the pillars in Solomon?s Temple. 1K....


GILGAL gil'-gal (gilgal, circle; Galgala): The article is always with the name except in Joshua 5:9. There are three places to which the name is atta...

The Triumph of Gentile Freedom

CHAPTER III THE TRIUMPH OF GENTILE FREEDOM Aftee the conversion, according to the Book of Acts, Paul received the ministrations of Ananias, and was ...

The Heidelberg Catechism

Q1: What is thy only comfort in life and death? That I with body and soul, both in life and death, ( rom 14:7 rom 14:8 ) am not my own, ( 1?Corinthia...

Good, Goodness

Good, Goodness The main Old Testament words for good/goodness come from the Hebrew word tob [b'f] while the most common New Testament words are kalos ...

Works of the Law

Works of the Law The term erga nomou (works of the Law) is used by Paul to denote deeds prescribed by the Mosaic Law ( Rom 2:15 ; Romans 3:20 Romans...

2.2.5. Use of Bible Addresses

All book names within Bible addresses appear in one of two forms: (1) the full formal name (e.g., Revelation), or (2) a standardized abbreviation. Th...


Pride [N] [T] The Old Testament. While pride is sometimes used in the Old Testament in a positive sense (i.e., the pride of the land of Israel [ Psalm...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...

Revelation 10:3

a loud voice Like Christ, the angel spoke with a loud or great voice (Rev. Rev. 1:10+). The voice of this mighty angel is also similar to that of the ...


Judaizers Those who adopted Jewish religious practices or sought to influence others to do so. TheGreek verb ioudaizo [Ioudai?zw] (to judaize) appears...


Kindness An attribute of God and quality desirable but not consistently found in humans.The main problem in understanding kindness is the fact that it...