Search Results for gen 13-15

Found 194 Results for gen 13-15
Land (of Israel)

Land (of Israel) The Abrahamic Covenant and the Land. The Lord cut an unconditional covenant with Abraham in which he stated, To your descendants I gi...

Hebrews 13

Chapter 1313:1 Let 1 brotherly love continue. (1) He comes to the second table of the law, the sum of which is charity, especially toward strangers an...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Priest, Christ as

Priest, Christ as The Old Testament. The priestly activity of drawing near to God in sacrifice and prayer is introduced in the Old Testament through A...

Leviticus 13

Chapter 1313:2 When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh a [like] the plague...


Rest [N] [E]Most uses of the noun and verb in the Bible are nontheological. However, the verb and noun take on theological and/or spiritual meaning in...

Revelation 11:3

my two witnesses The TR text indicates that it is an angel which is speaking with John (Rev. Rev. 11:1+). Yet here, the speaker speaks of the two witn...

Revelation 18:4

Come out of her my people In the rebellion of Israel against the authority of Moses, Moses and Aaron were told by God to ?separate yourselves from amo...

Revelation 9:20

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues The two-thirds left from the population prior to the sounding of the sixth trumpet (Rev...

Luke 13

Chapter 1313:1 There 1 were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood a Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. (1) W...

Revelation 2:23

will kill her children with death A futuristic use of the present tense: ?I am killing?. An indication of imminency of the judgment. Gen. 2:17).?1 J...


Sabbath [N] [E] [S]The origin of the Hebrew sabbat [t'B;v] is uncertain, but it seems to have derived from the verb sabat, meaning to stop, to cease, ...

1 Peter 3

PETER. CHAPTER III. Various Practical Duties. SUMMARY.--Duties of Women. Of Husbands. Duties of Christians Towards Each Other. Attitude Towards Ad...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

1 Timothy 4

Chapter 4 4:1 Now 1 the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the a faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and d... An End-Time Religious System

Although the Harlot includes both commercial and religious aspects, many have minimized her commercial aspects and placed greater emphasis on her rel...

Revelation 7:1

After the Lamb has opened six of the seven seals, there is a pause in the action while the servants of God are sealed for protection from the judgment...

2 Corinthians 4

CORINTHIANS. CHAPTER IV. Glory Through Suffering. SUMMARY.--Paul's Sincerity and Earnestness in the Ministry. The Eyes of Some Blinded by the God...

Revelation 13:8

All who dwell on the earth The ones who not only physically dwell on the earth, but whose affections and complete allegiance are entirely upon the ea...

Melchizedek; Melchisedec

MELCHIZEDEK; MELCHISEDEC mel-kiz'e-dek, and (the King James Version in the book of Hebrews) (malki-tsedheq, Tsedheq, or Tsidhiq is my king (Genesis 14...