Search Results for is 1-2

Found 4123 Results for is 1-2
Mark 1:2

In Isaiah, the prophet (en twi Esaiai twi prophth). The quotation comes from Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3 . The Western and Neutral classes read Is...

2 Timothy 1:3

I thank (carin ecw). I have gratitude. As in 1?Timothy 1:12 . Robinson cites examples of this phrase from the papyri. It occurs also in Luke 17:9 ;...

Romans 6:7

Is justified (dedikaiwtai). Perfect passive indicative of dikaiow, stands justified, set free from, adding this great word to death and life of verse...

Zechariah 1:2

Zechariah 1:2 The Lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers.] Who lived before and at the time of the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, and...


Hosea [N] [H] [S]salvation, the son of Beeri, and author of the book of prophecies bearing his name. He belonged to the kingdom of Israel. His Israeli...

Psalms 145:18

Psalms 145:18 The Lord [is] nigh unto all them that call upon him He is not only nigh unto them in relation, being their near kinsman, brother, father...

Mark 1:2

Overview - Mark 1 1?The office of John the Baptist. 9?Jesus is baptized; 12?tempted; 14?he preaches; 16?calls Peter, Andrew, James, and John; 23?heal...


NAHALAL na'-hal-al (nachalal; Codex Vaticanus, Baithman; Codex Alexandrinus Naalol, and other forms): A city in the territory of Zebulun assigned wit...

Deuteronomy 18:15

Overview - Deuteronomy 18 1?The LORD is the priests and Levites' inheritance. 3?The priests' due. 6?The Levites' portion. 9?The abominations of the...

Jude 1:2

Overview - Jude 1 1?He exhorts them to be constant in the profession of the faith. 4?False teachers are crept in to seduce them, for whose evil doctr...


Merom [N] [H] [S]height, a lake in Northern Palestine through which the Jordan flows. It was the scene of the third and last great victory gained by J...

3.2.17. Abyss

The Abyss, the ?bottomless pit,? is a deep compartment within the earth where fallen angels are held (Rev. Rev. 9:1-2+, Rev. 9:11+). See commentary o...


ZIOR zi'-or (tsi`or; Sorth, or Sior): A town in the hill country of Judah (Joshua 15:54); probably Si'air, 4 1/2 miles North-Northeast of Hebron wher...

Judges 13:2

Overview - Judges 13 1?Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines. 2?An angel appears to Manoah's wife. 8?The angel appears to Manoah. 15?Man...


Lattice. [E]this word is used for a latticed window or simply a network placed before a window or balcony. Perhaps the network through which Ahaziah ...

Asher (2)

ASHER (2) ash'-er ('asher): (1) See preceding article. (2) A town on the southern border of Manasseh (Joshua 17:7). The site is unknown. (3) A plac...

2 Chronicles 36:10

Overview - 2?Chronicles 36 1?Jehoahaz succeeding, is deposed by Pharaoh, and carried into Egypt. 5?Jehoiakim reigning ill, is carried bound into Baby...

Acts 18:1

Overview - Acts 18 1?Paul labours with his hands, and preaches at Corinth to the Gentiles. 9?The Lord encourages him in a vision. 12?He is accused be...

Joshua 6:15

Overview - Joshua 6 1?Jericho is shut up. 2?God instructs Joshua how to beseige it. 12?The city is compassed. 17?It must be accursed. 20?The walls fa...

Micah, The book of

Micah, The book of. Three sections of this work represent three natural divisions of the prophecy --1, 2; 3-5; 6,7 --each commencing with rebukes and...