Search Results for isa 20

Found 1936 Results for isa 20
Revelation 20:10

The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire At the coming of Christ, it was the instrument of the devil, the False Prophet, who dece...

Revelation 18:8

her plagues will come in one day When her judgment finally comes, it will be swift and decisive (Isa. Isa. 47:9, Isa. 47:11; Rev. Rev. 18:9+, Rev. 18...

2 Kings 20:5

Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people,.... The king of them, as the Targum: thus saith the Lord God of David thy father, I h...

Revelation 21:27

there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles Defiles is ?????? [koinon] : common. This speaks of those things which are unclean. At one tim...

Revelation 1:17

fell at His feet as dead This is the unrehearsed response of all who have been privileged to see the glory of the Lord (Isa. Isa. 6:4; Eze. Eze. 1:28...


Sheol [N] [E] Old Testament. The Hebrew word seol [l/a.v], Sheol, refers to the grave or the abode of the dead ( Psalms 88:3 Psalms 88:5 ). Through ...


Disease [B]Sent from God Leviticus 14:34 As judgments Psalms 107:17 ; Isaiah 3:17 INSTANCES OFUpon the EgyptiansSee PLAGUES;Upon Nabal 1?Samue...

Revelation 21:1

In the previous chapter, John was shown an ideal time on earth when Satan was bound and Christ and the saints ruled for one thousand years. As wonder...


\\INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 10\\ This chapter contains denunciations of punishment, first on the governors of the Jewish nation, and then upon the Assyr...

Revelation 17:17

For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose God?s sovereign control of the affairs of history is a constant theme behind the events of...


THOUGHT thot: The most frequent word in the Old Testament (machashebheth, from the verb chashabh, to think) refers to a device, or a purpose firmly f...

16.5. The Temples of History - Garden of Eden4.16.5.2 - Tabernacle in the Wilderness4.16.5.3 - Solomon?s Temple4.16.5.4 - Second Temple4.16.5.5 - Temple of the Believer4....

Revelation 21:9

one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls with the seven last plagues The seven last plagues were called last because ?in them the wrath of God ...

Revelation 4:11

worthy to receive glory and honor and power ?????? [labein] , present tense: to be continually receiving. Both the Father and the Son are worthy to r...

20.6.1. Births, Deaths, and Resurrections

Scripture knows of two births, two deaths, and two resurrections. Everyone is physically born once. Those who do not undergo the second birth, the sp...

Revelation 3:7

the angel See the discussion concerning the identity of the angel at Revelation 1:20. church in Philadelphia See commentary on Seven Churches of Asia....

Revelation 4:8

having six wings The cherubim Ezekiel saw had four wings (Eze. Eze. 1:11-12) whereas these creatures have six wings like the seraphim which Isaiah sa...

Exodus 8:17

Overview - Exodus 8 1?Frogs are sent. 8?Pharaoh sues to Moses, who by prayer removes them away. 16?The dust is turned into lice, which the magicians ...

Revelation 10:7

in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel This refers to the time period during which the seventh angel sounds and the final seven bowl judgmen...

Isaiah 5:2

Overview - Isaiah 5 1?Under the parable of a vineyard, God excuses his severe judgment. 8?His judgments upon covetousness; 11?upon lasciviousness; 13...