Search Results for num 3-4

Found 150 Results for num 3-4

Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Revelation 10:7

in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel This refers to the time period during which the seventh angel sounds and the final seven bowl judgmen...

Revelation 3:7

the angel See the discussion concerning the identity of the angel at Revelation 1:20. church in Philadelphia See commentary on Seven Churches of Asia....

Confess, Confession

Confess, Confession The biblical concepts expressed by the words confess and confession have in common the idea of an acknowledgment of something. Thi...

Jude 1

JUDE. ? ? ? 1, 2. Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ. See for his identification. Had he been an apostle, he would hardly have omitted to state i...


Exaltation [N]In the Bible exaltation most often refers to the lofty position of God and of Jesus Christ, but sometimes the term is applied to human b...

2 Chronicles 26

Chapter?26This chapter gives us an account of the reign of Uzziah (Azariah he was called in the Kings) more fully than we had it before, though it was...


Worship [N] [E]If Christianity is the transformation of rebels into worshipers of God, then it is imperative for the Christian to know and understand ...

Revelation 14:4

not defiled with women Defiled is ??????????? [Emolynth?san] : ?Causing something to be dirty soil, smear, stain; metaphorically, as keeping the life...

Revelation 1:5

and from Jesus Christ Within this simple greeting can be found a neglected doctrine of paramount importance: the Trinity. The greeting is from each me...

Matthew 26:26

Matthew 26:26 And as they were eating The paschal lamb, and just concluding the whole solemnity, which was done by eating some of theFOOTNOTES: F11 la...

Offerings and Sacrifices

Offerings and Sacrifices The Old Testament regulations for offerings and sacrifices are renowned for their many and complicated details, and the overa...

Jews, Judaism

Jews, Judaism The Old Testament. Judah the Patriarch. Judah initially referred to thefourth son of Jacob (Israel) by his wife, Leah. Direct references...


\\INTRODUCTION TO 2 CHRONICLES 3 & 4\\ These two chapters give an account of the building of the temple, of the materials, parts, and form of it, an...

Joshua 13

The Book of JoshuaChapter 13Chapter Overview: God informs Joshua what parts of the land were yet unconquered, and orders him to divide what was conq...

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit [N] Third person of the Trinity.Old Testament. Some have argued that Old Testament believers were saved and sanctified by the Spirit just ...


Justification [N] [E]Justification is the declaring of a person to be just or righteous. It is a legal termsignifying acquittal, a fact that makes it ...

1 Chronicles 26

Chapter?26We have here an account of the business of the Levites. That tribe had made but a very small figure all the time of the judges, till Eli and...

Hechos 7

Hechos 7Divisi?n por P?rrafos de las Traducciones ModernasUBS4NKJVNRSVTEVNJBSerm?n de Esteban7:1-87:9-167:17-227:23-297:30-437:44-507:51-53Esteban es ...

God, Names of

God, Names of Names are more than labels. In Old Testament times a name expressed identification, but also identity. Significant meaning often attache...