Search Results for rev 12

Found 1656 Results for rev 12
Revelation 17:12

the ten horns which you saw are ten kings These are the same ten horns which Daniel saw in his night vision (Dan. Dan. 7:7-8, Dan. 7:20, Dan. 7:24). T...

Revelation 7:3

harm the earth, the sea, or the trees See commentary on Revelation 7:1. on their foreheads Foreheads is ??????? [met?p?n] , which is used to describe ...

Revelation 11:18

the nations were angry and Your wrath has come This refers to the rage of the nations (Ps. Ps. 2:1) exhibited throughout the Tribulation by an unrelen...

Revelation 6:9

Opening the Fifth and Sixth Seals 1 fifth seal With the opening of the fifth seal, we break from the judgments associated with the four horsemen. ?T...

6.66. Revelation

Rev. 1 Rev. 1:1 44 - 3.1.17, 2.7.45, 2.2.133,, 3.1.192,, 2.2.11, 2.3.3, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9.2, 2.12.1,,, 2.12.5, 2.1...

Revelation 16:17

the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air The bowl is poured out into the air, ???? [aera] . Elsewhere, Scripture gives Satan the title ?pri...

Revelation 4:5

lightnings, thunderings, and voices These portend the magnificence and glory of the Father and bring reverent fear to those who experience them, as w...

6.21. Ecclesiastes

Ecc. 3 Ecc. 3:14 - 2.4.1 Ecc. 5 Ecc. 5:7 - 3.1.17 Ecc. 7 Ecc. 7:20 - 3.5.3 Ecc. 8 Ecc. 8:12 2 - 3.1.17, 3.11.18 Ecc. 11 Ecc. 11:5 -...

Revelation 18:12

merchandise of gold and silver, precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet The Harlot wears the same merchandise found in th...

3.2.14. The Millennial Kingdom

The Millennial Kingdom is the kingdom of God on earth which, when it comes, destroys all previous kingdoms (Dan. Dan. 2:35, Dan. 2:44-45; Dan. 7:14, ...

Revelation 19:9

Then he said to me, ?Write: Blessed are those . . . ? The person speaking is the angel who showed John ?the judgment of the great harlot who sits on ...

10.1.1. Divine Similarities

Caution is needed when attempting to establish the identity of this angel, even though the ultimate identity of the angel has little effect upon the ...

Revelation 21:12

she had a great and high wall Isaiah saw a time of peace for Jerusalem when the people of God would ?call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise?...

Revelation 18:1

In the previous chapter, John was shown The Great Harlot who sits on many waters (Rev. Rev. 17:1+). She was identified as Babylon the Great (Rev. Rev...

Revelation 18:19

they threw dust on their heads An action indicating great mourning and grief over loss (Jos. Jos. 7:6; 1S. 1S. 4:12; Lam. Lam. 2:10; Eze. Eze. 27:30)...

15.1.2. Believers and Unbelievers

The letters recognize that each church is composed of both believers and church-going unbelievers. ?Church? (????????? [Ekkl?sias] ) is a compound wor...

Revelation 11:3

I will give (dwsw). Future active of didwmi. The speaker may be God (Beckwith) or Christ (Swete) as in Revelation 2:13 ; Revelation 21:6 or his an...

Revelation 14:13

I heard a voice from heaven saying to me This is probably the same voice which told John to ?seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered? (Rev...

Revelation 5:6

four living creatures See commentary on Revelation 4:6. the elders See commentary on Revelation 4:4. a Lamb ?When John turned, he saw, not a Lion, acc...

13.8. Genesis and Revelation as Bookends

Having explored the parallels between events in the book of Revelation and passages which speak of a future time of trouble for both the world and th...