Search Results for son

Found 217 Results for son
Example Of Lying

A little boy asked his mother, "Mommy, what is a lie?" His mother answered by saying, "Son, a lie is an abomination unto the Lord…but a very present help in time of need!" Sad to say too often w...


A mother asked her small son what he would like for his birthday. "I'd like a little brother," a boy said. "Oh my, that's such a big wish," said the mother. "Why do you want a little brother"? "Wel...

Family Matters

One of the richest men of his time, J. Paul Getty, owned an estate that exceeded $4 billion in net worth. This is what he wrote in his autobiography as quoted in the Los Angeles Times, January 9, 1981...

Sermon Illustration: Lord's Supper

In October 1971, the Shah of Iran invited 60 kings, queens and heads of state to celebrate the 2,500 years of the Persian Empire. The cost of the celebration was $100 million, but it was not the costl...

Illustration: Prayer, Miracles

Joe McKeever tells about his son Neil, who was on an outing with his three children. The day before, he had suggested they pray for good weather. On their way to the park, he asked 10-year-old Grant i...

Church Response To AIDS

She pleaded on the phone, "My son is dying of AIDS. Will you please come and pray with him?""Yes," said the senior pastor of a large metropolitan church."Oh, thank you, thank you," the woman sobbed. "...

Doubts Concerning Resurrection

A minister in Darby, Pennsylvania, tells this one: The four-year-old son of an undertaker was puzzled one Easter morning when he heard about the Resurrection. "Do you mean." He asked, "that Jesus rea...


A business owner had developed what he considered to be a good relationship with a younger employee. The younger employee began on a downward spiral and his job was on the line. The business man broug...

Illustration: Denial

In Mel Lazarus’ comic "Momma," the title character is visiting her shiftless son who is still in bed. She says, “Francis, do you ever think about the challenges in life?” He replies, “Constantly, Momm...


No Vacancy Here! When the slow-moving clerk in a small store was not around one morning a customer asked the owner's young son, "Where's Eddie? Is he sick?" Nope, he ain't workin' here no more," was t...


Ann Landers wrote about a person she knew who said the greatest gift he ever received in his life was a note his dad gave him on Christmas. It read, "Son, this year I will give you 365 hours. An hour ...

Health And Wealth

Jack has died, so his lawyer is standing before the family and reads out Jack's Last Will and Testament. "To my dear wife Esther, I leave the house, 50 acres of land, and 1 million dollars." "To my ...


A little boy attended the baby dedication of his little brother. The older boy proceeded to cry all the way home, in the car. His father asked, “What’s wrong son?” The boy said, &...


John Cassis tells the story related to him by a customs officer at the U.S.-Canada border: "A man came through one day with his four- or five-year-old son. The customs officer asked the man if he had ...


In an interview which appeared in, Campus Crusade founder Bill Bright said, "My life's message is be a slave of Jesus. And all that involves. Love your master, trust your master and obey y...

Illustration: God’s Love

Our heavenly Father is different from our earthly fathers....

The King Is Coming

When his son Leka was three years old his father, King Zog of Albania, fled before the advancing Italian army. That was in 1939. After his father died Leka regarded himself as the rightful king of Alb...


In 1924 Bill Havens was set to go to the Olympic games in Paris as a rower. He was the best in the United States and considered to be the best in the world. His wife was about to give birth and he tho...

Children, Priorities, Memories

A family in Colorado tried unsuccessfully for years to save enough money to replace their ancient bathroom fixtures with new modern sleek ones. But each year as skiing time rolled around, the bathroom...

Fathers, Faithfulness

It's a fascinating story that comes out of the 1989 earthquake which almost flattened Armenia. This deadly tremor killed over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of all the co...