Search Results for word became flesh

Found 1904 Results for word became flesh
The Anathemas Against Origen.

The Anathemas Against Origen.The Anathemas Against Origen.I.IF anyone asserts the fabulous pre-existence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous rest...

Stone, Stones

STONE, STONES ston, stonz: 1. Hebrew and Greek Words: (1) Chiefly 'ebhen, and lithos; but also, occurring rarely, 'eshekh (Leviticus 21:20); tsur (J...

Letter XXVIII. To Flavian Commonly Called "The Tome"

Letter XXVIII. To Flavian Commonly Called The TomeLetter XXVIII. To Flavian Commonly Called The Tome I. Eutyches Has Been Driven into His Error by Pre...

Discourse II

Discourse IIDiscourse II Chapter XIV. Texts Explained; Fourthly, Hebrews III. 2. Introduction; the Regula Fidei counter to an Arian sense of the text;...

Tractate LXXX.

Tractate LXXX.Tractate LXXX. John XV. 1-3.1. This passage of the Gospel, brethren, where the Lord calls Himself the vine, and His disciples the branch...

Hebrews 1

Chapter 11:1 God, who at 1 sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, The purpose of this epistle, is to ...

Ezekiel 34:23

Ezekiel 34:23 And I will set up one shepherd over them Or governor, as the Targum; an excellent one of a thousand, the only one; in comparison of whom...

John's Introduction.

1-2. JOHN'S INTRODUCTION. d?JOHN 1:1-18. ? ? ? d?1 In the beginning was the Word [a title for Jesus peculiar to the apostle John], and the Wor...

Psalms 109:4

Psalms 109:4 For my love they are my adversaries For the love that Christ showed to the Jews; to their bodies, in going about and healing all manner o...

The Letter of Cyril to John of Antioch.

The Letter of Cyril to John of Antioch.The Letter of Cyril to John of Antioch.(Found in Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. IV., col. 343 and col. 164; ...

Excursus on the Word Qeoto/koj.

Excursus on the Word Qeoto/koj.Excursus on the Word Qeoto/koj.There have been some who have tried to reduce all the great theological controversies on...

Tractate LXIX.

Tractate LXIX.Tractate LXIX. John XIV. 4-6.1. We have now the opportunity, dearly, beloved, as far as we can, of understanding the earlier words of th...

Letter LXI. Letter to Maximus. (Written About 371 a.d.)

Letter LXI. Letter to Maximus. (Written About 371 a.d.)Letter LXI. Letter to Maximus. (Written About 371 a.d.)To our beloved and most truly longed-for...

Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.

Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.Dialogue II.-The Unconfounded.Eranistes and Orthodoxus.Eran.-I am come as I promised. 'Tis yours to adopt one of two alt...

Tractate XVIII.

Tractate XVIII.Tractate XVIII. John V. 19.1. John the evangelist, among his fellows and companions the other evangelists, received this special and pe...

Discourse I

Discourse IDiscourse I Chapter I. Introduction. Reason for writing; certain persons indifferent about Arianism; Arians not Christians, because sectari...

Book IV.

Book IV.Book IV. Chapter I. That Christ was before the Incarnation God from everlasting.AS we have finished three books with the most certain and the ...

Psalm 19:5

?EXPOSITIONVerse 5. Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber. A bridegroom comes forth sumptuously apparelled, his face beaming with a joy w...

Hebrews 13:22

Hebrews 13:22 And I beseech you, brethren The apostle closes his epistle to the Hebrews in a very tender and affectionate manner, calling them brethre...

Hebrews 2

Chapter 22:2? For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; transgress...