Search Results for wrath

Found 181 Results for wrath
Proverbs 11:23
23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good, but the hope of the wicked only in wrath.
Ezekiel 30:15
15 I will pour out my wrath on Pelusium, the stronghold of Egypt, and wipe out the hordes of Thebes.
Job 21:30
30 that the wicked are spared from the day of calamity, that they are delivered from the day of wrath?
Proverbs 20:2
2 A king’s wrath strikes terror like the roar of a lion; those who anger him forfeit their lives.
1 Thessalonians 5:9
9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 23:19
19 See, the storm of the LORDwill burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.
Psalms 78:21
21 When the LORD heard them, he was furious; his fire broke out against Jacob, and his wrath rose against Israel,
Ezekiel 22:21
21 I will gather you and I will blow on you with my fiery wrath, and you will be melted inside her.
Isaiah 63:6
6 I trampled the nations in my anger; in my wrath I made them drunk and poured their blood on the ground.”
Jeremiah 21:5
5 I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and a mighty arm in furious anger and in great wrath.
Jeremiah 30:23
23 See, the storm of the LORDwill burst out in wrath, a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.
Romans 2:8
8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
Psalms 90:11
11 If only we knew the power of your anger! Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due.
Ezekiel 24:8
8 To stir up wrath and take revenge I put her blood on the bare rock, so that it would not be covered.
Revelation 14:19
19 The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.
Romans 5:9
9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!
Psalms 38:3
3 Because of your wrath there is no health in my body; there is no soundness in my bones because of my sin.
Psalms 79:6
6 Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the kingdoms that do not call on your name;
Proverbs 22:14
14 The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit; a man who is under the LORD’s wrath falls into it.
Ephesians 5:6
6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.