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Found 649 Results for wrote
5 Ways to Live as a Christ Follower in a Post-Christian Culture

Sheila Alewine

History tells us that when a nation abandons its moral and religious heritage, it quickly moves from a post-Christian culture to an anti-Christian culture. Spiritual warfare is real, and our enemy, th...

How Does the Bible Say God Will Order My Steps?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

How do I let God's word order my steps?...

Why Does Paul Ask “Death Where Is Your Victory”?

Pamela Palmer

Although this is a powerful verse that believers can trust, it may be difficult to fully understand what this verse means. The reality is that people – Christians included – die every day. What this p...

How Does the Bible Guide Us When We Face Temptation?

Dawn Wilson

Christians sometimes have naïve assumptions about temptation. Some think it will be obvious, but temptations are subtle and nuanced. Satan delights in taking us by surprise. ...

8 Ways God’s Gentleness Has a Huge Impact on Our Lives

Chad Napier

David in Psalm 18:35 wrote, “thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.” David had full recognition of the vast m...

The Other Psalmists: Who Were the Sons of Korah?

Hope Bolinger

Although King David wrote the majority of the book of Psalms, readers may have encountered passages in the 150-chapter book that said, “A maskil of the sons of Korah” (Psalm 42), or “A Psalm of the So...

5 Powerful Lessons from the Little Book of Obadiah

Sheila Alewine

Because they are difficult to interpret, the prophetic books of the Bible are often overlooked. Their messages of impending judgment seem unrelated to our twenty-first century lives. But if we take ti...

How Do We "Behold the Lamb of God" in John 1:29?

Meg Bucher

Jesus, to defeat death, laid down His life, willingly, not for “good” people, but for all who could never measure up to the bar of “righteousness” that would grant us access to God the Father. Jesus i...

The Beautiful Meaning and Story Behind the Classic Christmas Carol "Silent Night"

Kristi Walker

"Silent Night" is a traditional Christmas carol that is usually sung by candlelight on Christmas Eve. But who wrote this song, where did it come from, and how did it come to be so popular? F...

5 Biblical Truths from the Song "Mary Did You Know?"

Kristi Walker

You've probably heard it on the radio, and probably by quite a few different singers. You've also probably heard some of the criticism of the song "Mary Did You Know," as folks love to point out that ...

What Are Signs and Wonders of the End Times?

Betty Dunn

We know Jesus is returning some time, and he said it would be soon. Are there signs and wonders we should be looking for?...

5 Things You’re Probably Misunderstanding about the 95 Theses

Ashley Hooker

When I was in high school, I learned about a man named Martin Luther. I was taught he was a powerful figure and led the team for the Protestant Reformation. He alone posted his 95 Theses to the door o...

John: A Gospel for the World

John is organized around carefully crafted narrative strands that highlight both the signs and teachings of Jesus. This gives John’s Gospel a sense of depth as the reader is presented with a rich, mul...

How Is "All of Scripture God-Breathed"?

Meg Bucher

Scripture is the Holy Word of God. Every word of it, though written by human hands, is true and reliable. We can know this because the Bible has God's fingerprints on every page - it is an incredible ...

Strengthen and Defend Your Faith Through Apologetics

Bethany Verrett

"Apologetics" sounds like one of those scary "smart Christian" words - something that pastors and leaders study, but not us common people. But apologetics is simply studying God and the Bible, in orde...

Who Was Titus in the Bible and Why Should You Read His Book Now?

Connor Salter

Titus was one of at least two younger men that Paul discipled and described as his “son in the faith that we share” (Titus 1:4). ...

How Often Should the Lord's Supper/Communion Be Observed?

Betty Dunn

The Lord’s Supper is not just something that the early church did, but something we should practice today. But how often should we do it? Does it make a difference?...

Romans: The Greatest Letter Ever Written

From studying Paul’s letter to the Romans, we can learn the content of the Christian faith like nowhere else in the New Testament. In his letter, Paul opens vistas to the gospel, shining a light on wh...

Should I Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

A newly married same-sex couple wants to “show the whole world that you can be gay and Muslim.” Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan were married in Walsall, a town 130 miles northwest of London. However, ...

4 Heartfelt Prayers for my Children’s Protection

Meg Bucher

“…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings…” Hebrews 10:22Parenting often drives us to our knees in prayer. When it seems impossible to control anothe...