Search Results for 1 timothy

Found 390 Results for 1 timothy
Be Alert to the Temptation of These Seducing Spirits

Frank Santora

Even though we are living in extremely dark times, keep in mind that darkness is the most advantageous condition for light to shine brightly. So, to borrow an age-old axiom, these may be the wors...

What's So Important about Biblical Literacy?

Heather Adams

In 2020, for example, The American Bible Society released a “State of the Bible” report, focusing on the effects the Covid-19 pandemic had on Christians’ Bible reading habits. The findings indicated t...

What Are the Praiseworthy Things That Christians Should Think On?

Lisa Loraine Baker

One look at this list will show us the qualities of a righteous person, one committed to the Lord and one who keeps His Word. Where do we go to learn the hows of a godly life? The Bible. As we grow in...

7 Beautiful Things the Bible Says about Health

Ruth Clemence

Health is often taken for granted until you lose it. Many will spend money to keep fit, buy the right food and adopt a lifestyle to stay healthy. When we become unwell, it can affect what we do, how w...

What Are the Qualifications of an Elder?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

What exactly is an Elder? In both 1 Timothy and Titus, the author lays out the qualifications of a church Elder. Leadership is an important role in the church body, and not something to be taken light...

7 Ways to Fight the Good Fight for Joy

Mark Altrogge

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12As Christian, we should ...

Beyond Sunday: A Year of Training in Righteousness

The Bible is the world's most widely distributed book, with 2.5 billion copies were distributed between 1815 and 1975. The evidence of this is many changed lives. Is this the year for yours to change?...

Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Jesus is the only way a person will enter heaven. In these days of conformity and inclusivity, however, people rail against anything exclusive. Yes, Jesus is exclusively the only way to heaven, b...

3 Signs We've Ignored What the Bible Says about Greed in Our Modern Church

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

What does the Bible say about greed and how do we live free from greed in our materialistic times? How can the church effectively teach about the dangers of greed in a society that often rewards it? ...

What Does the Bible Say about Respecting Our Elders?

Jessica Brodie

What does the Bible say about respecting our elders, and why is this important today? The good news is the Bible says plenty about the importance of respecting our elders....

10 Signs You Actually Love Money Too Much

Dawn Wilson

Years ago, I watched the movie, The Money Pit. The main characters made a foolish purchase of a house that fell apart, piece-by-piece. Soon their relationship started crumbling too. I remember thinkin...

7 Steps to a Deeper Understanding of the Bible

Chara Donahue

Truth. Everyone is looking for it, nearly everyone makes a claim to it, but few know its fullness as revealed in God’s word. There is no greater resource to help us understand the mysteries of God, an...

Does God Still Speak to Us?

Frank Santora

If you’ve been around church people for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard them say, “God spoke to me, and told me to….” And maybe you’ve wondered, whatever do they mean by that?Did He send ...

7 Solid Anchors for Your Anxious Soul

Sarah Walton

Suffering and worry often go hand in hand. One of the greatest battles I wage on a daily basis is with anxiety over sickness—especially during the cold winter months when it’s nearly impossible to avo...

Should We Be Reading the Bible Every Day?

Lisa Loraine Baker

We belong to Christ, and we are His bride (2 Corinthians 11:2). How do we get to know the One who saved us from the wrath of God except by spending time in His Word — the Bible? But is it biblical to ...

What Do We Know about the Apostle Paul's Life and Ministry?

Blair Parke

As we witness the man known as Saul be spiritually transformed into Paul, we will see him come to realize more than anyone the miraculous blessings that happen to a person when they surrender their li...

Is Cursing Really That Big of a Sin?

Blair Parke

We all will justify our words when it comes to cursing, cussing, speaking profanity, letting zingers go, whatever it is you call the use of words when we are angry, sad, trying to be funny, or just ...

What Does the Bible Say about Depression?

Jessica Brodie

For those who don’t have it, depression can be hard to understand. A mood disorder with both mental and physical impacts, depression is different from typical feelings of sadness or grief. Som...