Search Results for david

Found 678 Results for david
How Do "the Heavens Declare the Glory of God"?

Pamela Palmer

Psalm 19 is one of my favorite Psalms to read, pray, and meditate on. It is full of striking truth and beautiful praises to the Lord. The words of this passage captivate and comfort its readers. The v...

Who Exactly Were the Philistines?

Betty Dunn

The ancient Philistines were in the land of Canaan before Moses and the Israelites claimed it as their Promised Land from God. The conflict over Canaan territory and religious and cultural differences...

3 Psalms to Help with Forgiveness

Bethany Verrett

Forgiveness is one of the most prominent themes of the Bible. Indeed, Jesus life, death and resurrection is the greatest story of undeserving forgiveness that has ever been told. But even still, it ca...

7 Miraculous Observations on the Genealogy of Jesus

Emma Danzey

Think back on the names of your relatives. How far back have you gotten? I tried once to compile the names of family members, and could only get back a few generations. The Scriptures provide 42 gener...

Did You Catch These Messianic Prophecies in the Psalms?

Bethany Verrett

David was a shepherd and a king, but he was also a prophet. There were prophecies the Messiah would fulfill throughout the Book of Psalms. They were highly specific, and the Lord Jesus would explain h...

Is 'Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust' a Biblical Verse?

Aaron Berry

Google the phrase “Ashes to Ashes” and the first thing you’ll find is a famous song by David Bowie. Considered to be a song referencing his own struggle with drug and the desire to bury the past, the ...

In Times of Trouble, Remember Where Your Help Comes From

Dawn Wilson

God is the believer’s protector, guarding day and night both now and into eternity. He grips the believer’s hand and says, “Do not fear, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:13). He knows everything and watche...

How to Seek God with a "Broken and Contrite Heart"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

After King David is confronted with his sin with Bathsheba, he writes Psalm 51 and offers a sacrifice to God: "a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." David is writin...

7 Things to Know about the Place Jesus Was Born

Annette Griffin

How did Mary and Joseph find themselves so far from their hometown of Nazareth at a time so close to Mary’s delivery? The explanation begins with Caesar Augustus, the Emperor of Rome, who ruled from 2...

Top 10 Weird Bible Stories

Amy Green

Sure, the Bible has the classics that most Christians have heard since they were young—David and Goliath, Noah and the ark, Jesus healing the blind man. But within the pages of Scripture are many stor...

Where Was Jesus Born? - 5 Things to Know about Bethlehem

Andreas Köstenberger | Jimmy Roh

The Bible tells us that Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, which is just south of Jerusalem. It's a fact that most Christians and many non-Christians know, due to its inclusion in several popula...

Why Did the People Welcome Jesus to Jerusalem at Palm Sunday?

Bethany Verrett

The people were celebrating the arrival of a man they believed fulfilled important religious prophecy, and who could usher in peace and redemption. Prior to this moment, there had been other people wh...

When the Knowledge That God Is in Control Isn’t Comforting

Lisa Loraine Baker

Sometimes telling someone who is facing a trial that God is in control feels to them like platitudes. We’ve all heard it before, but deep in our hearts, do we believe it when we are suffering? Often, ...

Verses to Read for Christmas

Let these verses guide you as you celebrate the birth of Jesus....

Fence Your Heart, Not Just Your Behavior

Have you fenced your heart? Have you tried to stay inside of behavioral boundaries only to have climbed over them again and again?...

10 Things You Need to Know about the Unforgivable Sin

Dr. David Jeremiah

“One of the questions I'm regularly asked is, ‘Pastor, can I commit a sin that God cannot forgive?’ According to Jesus, there is one sin a person can do for which there is no forgiveness or pardon eit...

How Did Ahijah Predict That Israel Would Split?

Connor Salter

Ahijah was a prophet from the town of Shiloh (1 Kings 11:29). Like many prophets, he served as a spokesperson for when God wanted to inform rulers of what he was going to do. ...

Who Is Rehoboam in the Bible?

Stephen Baker

Rehoboam was King Solomon’s son, and God’s chosen instrument to divide the nation of Israel. While his arrogance had consequences, we can learn something from how God used him as an instrument for his...

The Holy Spirit and the Scandal of Christ's Birth

Sometimes when we come to passages like Matthew’s condensed Christmas story, we don’t come with that childlike curiosity and wonder—looking at the everyday with awe, perceiving the familiar as fascina...

What Does the Bible Say about Respecting Our Elders?

Jessica Brodie

What does the Bible say about respecting our elders, and why is this important today? The good news is the Bible says plenty about the importance of respecting our elders....