Search Results for deut 13

Found 571 Results for deut 13

Faithfulness [N] [T]In the Old Testament, God's faithfulness and covenant love are closely related ( Deut 7:9 ; Psalm 25:10 ; 85:10 ). The most prof...


Favor [N]Finding favor means gaining approval, acceptance, or special benefits or blessings. There is also a close association among favor, grace, and...

Slave, Slavery

Slave, Slavery State of being subjected to involuntary servitude. It usually included being legally owned as property by another person. Slavery in th...


Will [N]The created image of God carries with it awesome responsibility and glory. It includes the ability to make meaningful moral choices ( Gen 1:26...

Elect, Election

Elect, Election The term elect means essentially to choose. It involves discriminatory evaluation of individuals, means, ends, or objects with a view ...


Work [N]For contemporary humanity the meaning and character of work have been divorced from religion, being largely shaped by secular ideologies assoc...


Harvest [N] [E] [S]The gathering of things planted, a natural time of reaping in joy what has been produced during the year in an agricultral communit...

Fool, Foolishness, Folly

Fool, Foolishness, Folly TheOld Testament. Several Hebrew words are rendered fool, with nuances ranging all the way from the naive but teachable pers...


Necromancy [N]Form of divination in which a person calls upon the dead to receive communication that clarifies knowledge. Ugaritic texts from the midd...


Heart [N] [E]Heart (Hebrew lebab/leb [b'bel], Gk. kardia [kardiva]) occurs over one thousand times in the Bible, making it the most common anthropolog...


Oil [N] [T] [E] [S]The most common word for oil in the Old Testament is the Hebrew word shemen [,m,v]. It occurs 192 times, and in the large majority ...


Discipline [N]The Old Testament Concept of Discipline. The notion of the discipline of God, and eventually the concept of the community and its leader...

James 5

JAMES. CHAPTER V. Warnings to the Rich. SUMMARY.--The Sins of Rich Men. The Judgments Coming Upon Them. Patience Under Affliction. The Examples...

Acts 3:22

Acts 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers The Jewish fathers, the Israelites in the times of Moses. The Ethiopic version reads, our fathers. Thi...


Blessing [N]God's intention and desire to bless humanity is a central focus of his covenant relationships. For this reason, the concept of blessing pe...


Forgiveness [N]Terminology. There are several Hebrew terms equivalent to the English to forgive, as defined below. The three most common are verbs (u...


Leadership [N]The Old Testament. In the earliest days of the Old Testament, leadership of the people of God was by the family head or patriarch, to wh...


Money [N] [T] [E] [S]A variety of monetary systems are represented in the Bible, corresponding to the political powers that dominated the cultures rep...

Matthew 23:5

Matthew 23:5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men All their prayers, alms deeds, and fastings, were all done in a public manner, that men...

Luke 3:1

Luke 3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, &c.] Emperor of Rome, and the third of the Caesars; Julius was the first, and Augu...