Search Results for establish* kingdom lord ever*

Found 705 Results for establish* kingdom lord ever*

SECTION EIGHT.-x. 1-18. The New Way into the Holiest. LXXV. THE SACRIFICES OF THE LAW CANNOT MAKE PERFECT. X.?1. For the law having a shadow of ...

Isaiah 9

Chapter 99:1 Nevertheless a the dimness [shall] not [be] such as [was] in her distress, b when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun a...

Sermon XCVI

SERMON XCVI. PREACHED AT LINCOLN'S INN. 1 Corinthians Xv. 50. Now this I say brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. ...

Sermon CXXIV


2 Samuel 7

Chapter?7Still the ark is David?s care as well as his joy. In this chapter we have, I. His consultation with Nathan about building a house for it; he ...

Chapter XVII

The captivity in Babylon did not bring the Jews to national repentance, and so lead to national restoration. When God had prepared the way by the est...

11.7. Millennial Passages

Since it is often said that the premillennial view of a literal, earthly Millennial Kingdom rests upon what is held to be an obscure foundation in Re...

Second Week

SECOND -WEEK. SABBATH MORNING. Jenks. O Most blessed and gracious Lord our God, whose almighty hand has brought us out of nothing, to what we are;...

The King

IX.?THE KING. WE have now to turn and see the sudden change of fortune which lifted the exile to a throne. The heavy cloud which had brooded so long ...

Initial Stage of the Falling Away

Having spoken of the nature of the falling away, and of its origin in the loss of the first love, let us consider its bearings: 1. On the relation of...

1 Chronicles 28

CHAPTER 28 1?Chronicles 28:1-8 . DAVID EXHORTS THE PEOPLE TO FEAR GOD. 1. David assembled all the princes of Israel--that is, the representat...

Chapter XV

That a time might come, when, through unfaithfulness to their covenant, the Jews would cease to exist as a nation, and be scattered over the earth, w...

13.4. Jacob?s Trouble and the Great Tribulation

Two other titles which are related to the coming Day of the Lord are the Time of Jacob?s Trouble and the Great Tribulation.1 Notice that all three in...

Fourth Week

FOURTH WEEK. SABBATH MORNING. Bickersteth. O Almighty God, Creator, Governor, and Upholder of all things, who, after making the heaven and earth,...

Manual of Prayer Part 3

HAPPINESS. Blessed God, I thank thee for that impulse of my nature, by which I am led to pursue happiness. Without its refreshing influence, life wo...

The Gospels

The Four Gospels The four Gospels record the eternal being, human ancestry, birth, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the Christ, Son of God, and So...

Summary and Conclusion

In the preceding chapters (passing over the Preface and Introduction) we have seen what the Scriptures, and especially the Lord and the Apostles, hav...

Psalm I.

Psalm I.Psalm I.1. Blessed is the man that hath not gone away in the counsel of the ungodly (ver. 1). This is to be understood of our Lord Jesus Chris...

Christian Socialism and the Kingdom of God

The term Socialism, now on all lips, is a new - one; what does it mean? As used by many, it means no more than philanthropy or beneficence directed t...

The Teachings of the Lord

In considering these teachings, we must distinguish between those spoken to His own disciples and those spoken to the Jews. So far as His words conce...