Search Results for field

Found 176 Results for field
Job 5:23
23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
Leviticus 27:20
20 If, however, they do not redeem the field, or if they have sold it to someone else, it can never be redeemed.
Joel 1:11
11 Despair, you farmers, wail, you vine growers; grieve for the wheat and the barley, because the harvest of the field is destroyed.
1 Samuel 20:35
35 In the morning Jonathan went out to the field for his meeting with David. He had a small boy with him,
Ruth 2:17
17 So Ruth gleaned in the field until evening. Then she threshed the barley she had gathered, and it amounted to about an ephah.
Leviticus 27:24
24 In the Year of Jubilee the field will revert to the person from whom it was bought, the one whose land it was.
Matthew 13:31
31 He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field.
Ezekiel 31:5
5 So it towered higher than all the trees of the field; its boughs increased and its branches grew long, spreading because of abundant waters.
Genesis 23:19
19 Afterward Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave in the field of Machpelah near Mamre (which is at Hebron) in the land of Canaan.
Genesis 25:9
9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,
1 Samuel 30:11
11 They found an Egyptian in a field and brought him to David. They gave him water to drink and food to eat—
2 Kings 19:8
8 When the field commander heard that the king of Assyria had left Lachish, he withdrew and found the king fighting against Libnah.
2 Samuel 14:31
31 Then Joab did go to Absalom’s house, and he said to him, “Why have your servants set my field on fire?”
Hosea 12:11
11 Is Gilead wicked? Its people are worthless! Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Their altars will be like piles of stones on a plowed field.
Leviticus 19:9
9 “ ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.
Joel 1:19
19 To you, LORD, I call, for fire has devoured the pastures in the wilderness and flames have burned up all the trees of the field.
Matthew 13:38
38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one,
1 Peter 1:24
24 For, “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,
Acts 1:18
18 (With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
Lamentations 4:9
9 Those killed by the sword are better off than those who die of famine; racked with hunger, they waste away for lack of food from the field.