Search Results for friend of god

Found 420 Results for friend of god
3 Powerful Examples of Godly Leadership

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

“Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.” – Susan WardWhether you realize it or not, we are all called to lead. For some, your leadership responsib...

Healthy, Biblical Tips for Dealing with Conflict

Frank Santora

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, whether it’s conflict in marriage, on the job, with a friend or family member. It’s so inevitable that it happens at times when you’d least expect it to. For ex...

What Is Enmity and How Does It Relate to the Gospel?

Mike Leake

From the very beginning God was marching toward our redemption. When the first couple sinned, they placed themselves on a path of enmity. It was a path of enmity with one another (we see it in their b...

The Sin We Like to Ignore - Jealousy

Bethany Verrett

The feelings of the heart are both godly and wicked. Some emotions spur people together in brotherly love, compassion, and worship. Others root individuals in stubbornness, disdain, and pride. One suc...

Beyond Sunday: The Human Drift

If the path of accommodation and compromise continues unabated, eventually the church reaches a point of friendship with the world. This is an extremely dangerous place for the believer....

5 Things That Can Cause Us to Drift Spiritually

Chris Russell

Several years ago a friend of mine took his wife and kids to the ocean for a week of R&R. While they were there, they purchased a small, inflatable boat for recreational use on the beach. One da...

20 Relieving Prayers for Forgiveness When Your Heart Can’t Seem to Heal

So how do we forgive someone while still mending a broken heart? Can we lift up a prayer for forgiveness when it seems that the person who has hurt us has taken all of our words away?...

How (and Why) Should We "Study to Show Ourselves Approved"?

Cathy Baker

Years ago, I heard a pastor say that our spending choices reveal what truly matters in our hearts. I believe this could also be said about final words before death, as Paul demonstrates in 2 Timothy, ...

Nebuchadnezzar's Restless Night

According to Daniel 2:29, Nebuchadnezzar went to bed one night thinking about the future. He had a dream that was too important to pass over lightly....

10 Beautiful End Time Promises to Give You Hope (Not Fear)

When I watch the news, my heart beats a little faster, and I start to feel anxious and concerned about the future. Alarming news of natural disasters, political upheaval, vicious wars, and indescribab...

What Does the Bible Say about Laughter, and Is it Truly the Best Medicine?

Melissa Henderson

“What does the Bible say about laughter?” Scripture shares about the lives of many people and their joys and trials. We are called to share the love of God with others. ...

Steps to Take to Get Our of Your Spiritual Drought

Frank Santora

A spiritual dry spell is a drought, not where there is no physical water, but where there is no living water. And the emptiness or barrenness it causes creates a hole in our hearts that we want to get...

Fanny Crosby: America's Hymn Queen

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Why Did God Appear So Many Times to Moses?

Dawn Wilson

God did not necessarily call, appear to, and communicate with Moses because of his innate skills or personality. The Scriptures remind us that God often chooses the foolish, weak, lowly, and despised ...

8 Verses to Encourage Those Who Feel All Alone

Allie Boman

Scripture confirms that people are made for relationships, that our lives are meant to be interconnected with others. If you are feeling all alone in this season of life, may these 8 verses encourage ...

Does Prayer Change God’s Mind?

Kimberly Carroll

Has God ever changed His mind because of prayer? Does prayer make any difference? All evidence points to: yes....

4 Crucial Reasons You Should Commit to Church Each Week

Chris Russell

Not long ago, I was reminiscing with a pastor friend of mine about the previous couple decades of our ministries.  We both noted how commitment to the church seems to be at an all time low. A...

Big Grace

If the Bible's description of us is accurate, then God's grace is our only hope. Thank God that He has given us big grace! ...

Are You Too Busy to Read the Bible?

Brian Hardin

Surveys have shown that most people believe the Bible contains truth and that it holds the answers to the basic questions of life, and yet few of us have an intimate relationship with it. Even thoug...