Search Results for he who began a good

Found 3034 Results for he who began a good
John Fisk

John Fisk, A. M.?This worthy minister was born in St. James's parish, Sufiblk, in the year 1601, and educated in Emanuel college, Cambridge. His ances...

Treatise on Rebuke and Grace

Treatise on Rebuke and GraceTreatise on Rebuke and GraceIn One Book, Addressed to Valentine, and with Him to the Monks of Adrumetum. a.d. 426 or 427.-...

Psalm CXII.

Psalm CXII. Psalm CXII. 1. I believe, brethren, that ye remarked and committed to memory the title of this Psalm. The conversion, he saith, of Haggai ...


LOVE. But if any man love God, the same is known of him.'' 1 Corinthians 8: 8. A few weeks ago we had for our subject, Love. I did not sty upon that...

Acts 9

Chapter?9 The conversion of Saul. (1-9) Saul converted preaches Christ. (10-22) Saul is persecuted at Damascus, and goes to Jerusalem. (23-31) Cure o...

Book III.

Book III. Book III.(1) -------- Chapter I.-Pearls Before Swine.Meantime Peter, rising at the crowing of the cock, and wishing to rouse us, found us aw...

Mark 3

The Book of MarkChapter 3Verses:3:1He entered again into the synagogue - At Capernaum on the same day. Matthew 12:9 ; Lu 6:6.3:2And they - The s...

Commandment Twelfth

Commandment TwelfthCommandment TwelfthOn the Two Fold Desire. The Commandments of God Can Be Kept, and Believers Ought Not to Fear the Devil. Chapter ...

Chapter IV

In process of time, Christian got up to the gate. Now over the i;ate there was written, Kncck, and it shall be opened unto you (a). He knoeked therei...

Luke 19:5

Luke 19:5 And when Jesus came to the place Where the tree stood, in which Zacchaeus was. Christ knows where his people are, and where to find them, wh...


BLIND. A Mother's Mistake. While I was attending a meeting in a certain city sometime ago a lady came to me and said: I want you to go home with me...

2 Chronicles 24

Chapter?24We have here the history of the reign of Joash, the progress of which, and especially its termination, were not of a piece with its beginnin...

Mark 8:31

He began to teach them (hrxato didaskein autou). Mark is fond of this idiom, but it is not a mere rhetorical device. Matthew 16:21 expressly says f...

Psalm CIII.

Psalm CIII. Psalm CIII. 1. ...Bless the Lord, O my soul! and all that is within me, His holy Name (ver. 1). I suppose that he speaketh not of what is ...

Chapter 1

1. WE have related the affairs of queen Alexandra, and her death, in the foregoing book and will now speak of what followed, and was connected with...

Psalms 34

Chapter?34This psalm was penned upon a particular occasion, as appears by the title, and yet there is little in it peculiar to that occasion, but that...


Psalm CXXXIII. Psalm CXXXIII. 1. This is a short Psalm, but one well known and quoted. Behold, how good and how pleasant is it, that brethren should d...

Tractate LV

Tractate LVTractate LV John 13:1-5.1. The Lord's Supper, as set forth in John, must, with His assistance, be unfolded in a becoming number of Lectures...

Nehemiah 2

Chapter?2How Nehemiah wrestled with God and prevailed we read in the foregoing chapter; now here we are told how, like Jacob, he prevailed with men al...

Book II.

Book II. Book II.(1) Wherein Tertullian shows that the creator, or demiurge, whom Marcion calumniated, is the true and good God. Chapter I.-The Method...