Search Results for i go to prepare a place for you

Found 980 Results for i go to prepare a place for you
The One Thing Needful

XV. THE ONE THING NEEDFUL Aod Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things; but one thing is n...

Twelve Hints to Young Men

I-OUGHT NOT A YOUNG MAN TO THINK? Certainly a young man ought to think. Till I can persuade you to do that, I have done nothing. The very first requ...


CHAPTER XVIII Help Those Women If the womanhood of America had been no better than its manhood, the devil would have had the country fenced in long ...

A New Year's Gift

XXIX. A NEW YEAR'S GIFT. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we b...

Excuses Not Reasons

Excuses Not Reasons. they all with one consent began to make excuse.?Luke xiv. 18. ESUS CHRIST was at a feast in a Pharisee's house. It was a strang...

Vision Fourth

Vision FourthVision FourthConcerning the Trial and Tribulation that are to Come Upon Men. Chapter I.Twenty days after the former vision I saw another ...

Epistle XX.

Epistle XX.Epistle XX. St. Ambrose relates to his sister the events at Milan connected with the demand of the Arians for a basilica, and how the peopl...

Chapter II

CHAPTER II. Doubting and Inquiring?Proving?A Saviour of Life unto Life, or Death unto Death?Understattding the Scriptures?Cavilling?Using the Penknif...

Sermon 43

Sermon 43. THE VESSELS OF MERCY AND THE VESSELS OF WRATH DELINEATED. Rom. IX. 22, 23.?The vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: and ?the vessels o...

Exhortation to Repentance.

Exhortation to Repentance. Exhortation to Repentance.(1) That all sins may be forgiven him who has turned to God with his whole heart.In the eighty-ei...

The Presence of Christ

Bat straightway Jesus spako unto them saying, Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid. Mat. 14: 87. ALL we have had about the work of the blessed Sp...

Christian Convention

CHRISTIAN CONVENTION. HELD AT BOSTON, MARCH 14 AND 15, 1877. While the morning was decidedly cold in temperature and cheerless in its aspect, the op...

The Second Coming of Christ

THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. You that have been here the last three Sunday mornings remember that I have been talking about Christ. Three weeks ago,...

Note O

secured and increased to him personally, through tha blessed ministry of that Holy Spirit whom He has dwelling in Him, but whom he knows all too litt...


CHAPTER XXIV An Army with Banners The man who is right with God will not be wrong with anything that is good.?Billy Sunday. THE oldest problem of ...

John 14

CHAPTER 14 John 14:1-31 . DISCOURSE AT THE TABLE, AFTER SUPPER. We now come to that portion of the evangelical history which we may with pro...

Living or Dead?

Living or Dead? you Hath He Quickened Who Webe Dead. Epheaians ii. 1. Reader,? Look at the words before your eyes, and ponder them well. Search ...

Amos 4

Chapter?4In this chapter, I. The oppressors in Israel are threatened for their oppression of the poor (v.?1-3). II. The idolaters in Israel, being joi...

Chapter XIX

44 But whMatthew x. 36-38. IN discussing this subject, I propose? I. To-consider to whom this precept is addressed; II. What it means; IIL What ...

Sermon 31

Sermon 31. DEDICATION TO GOD ARGUED FROM REDEEMING MERCY.* / COR. VI. 19, 20.? What! know ye not that ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a...