Search Results for isa 13

Found 2135 Results for isa 13
Exodus 3:22

Overview - Exodus 3 1?Moses keeps Jethro's flock. 2?God appears to him in a burning bush. 9?He sends him to deliver Israel. 13?The name of God. 15?H...

5.4. Sequence of Events

Scripture does not give great detail concerning the sequence of events during the Campaign of Armageddon. Most of the passages concerning this time a...

Hebrews 7:24

Overview - Hebrews 7 1?Christ Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchisedec; 11?and so far more excellent than the priests of Aaron's order. Treasu...

Leviticus 24:11

Overview - Leviticus 24 1?The oil for the lamps. 5?The shew-bread. 10?Shelomith's son blasphemeth. 13?The law of blasphemy. 17?Of murder. 18?Of damag...

Isaiah 5:2

Overview - Isaiah 5 1?Under the parable of a vineyard, God excuses his severe judgment. 8?His judgments upon covetousness; 11?upon lasciviousness; 13...

Revelation 3:7

the angel See the discussion concerning the identity of the angel at Revelation 1:20. church in Philadelphia See commentary on Seven Churches of Asia....

16.1. Hide and Seek

From the day that Adam and Eve rebelled and were driven out of the Garden of Eden (Gen. Gen. 3:24) until the eternal state when God and the Lamb will...

Revelation 16:20

every island fled away and the mountains were not found Unlike the earthquake attending the opening of the sixth seal in which ?every mountain and is...

Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

Revelation 11:8

their dead bodies will lie in the street Lack of burial is particularly repugnant to the Jews. 1K. 14:11; 1K. 16:4; 2K. 2K. 9:37; Ps. Ps. 79:3; Jer. J...

Mark 12:9

Overview - Mark 12 1?In a parable of the vineyard let out to wicked husbandmen Christ foretells the reprobation of the Jews, and the calling of the Ge...


Cockle [N] [S]occurs only in Job 31:40 (marg., noisome weeds), where it is the rendering of a Hebrew word (b'oshah) which means offensive, having a ...

Isaiah 40

Chapter 4040:1? Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Comfort The first two verses of Isa. 40. give the key-note of the second part of the...

7.5.2. Literal Understanding of Numbers

In studying the book of Revelation, one is immediately struck by the prevailing bias of many commentators against understanding numbers in their norm...

Revelation 21:4

And God will wipe away every tear Wipe away is ????????? [exaleipsei] , also used of blotting out names from the Book of Life (Rev. Rev. 3:5+). Both ...

Genesis 13

G?NESIS 13DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASNASBNKJVNRSVTEVNJB(sigue al Texto Masoretico)Abram y lot13:113:2-713:8-1313:14-18Abram hereda ...

Revelation 14:1

In the previous chapter, the future looked very bleak for the saints. The Beast arose from the sea, empowered by the dragon, and was given authority o...

Revelation 14:11

the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever This phrase speaks of eternal judgment, like that which will ultimately befall the land of Edom a...

2 Kings 6:26

Overview - 2?Kings 6 1?Elisha, giving leave to the young prophets to enlarge their dwellings, causes iron to swim. 8?He discloses the king of Syria's...

4.1. The Sovereignty of God

One the most prevalent doctrines throughout Scripture is the sovereignty of God (Job Job 9:17; Job 33:13; Ecc. Ecc. 3:14; Isa. Isa. 46:10-11; Mtt. Ma...