Search Results for jer 23

Found 1141 Results for jer 23
5.4. Sequence of Events

Scripture does not give great detail concerning the sequence of events during the Campaign of Armageddon. Most of the passages concerning this time a...


Persecution [N] [T] [E]Just as the Bible graphically describes the introduction and spread of sin in the world, it also depicts the presence and reali...


Funeral [E]In ancient Israel burial occurred soon after death. In a hot climate, internment took place as quickly as possible after a person had expir...


Consolation [N]Attempt to comfort someone who is in sorrow. The most frequently encountered Hebrew term is niham [WjIn]; parakaleo [parakalevw], param...

Revelation 14:10

he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God He himself, emphasis is placed upon the individual who worships the beast. He will be hel...

Revelation 5:5

do not weep ?? ????? [m? klaie] , a present tense imperative indicating that John continued to weep.1 the Lion of the tribe of Judah God had revealed...


ANATHOTH an'-a-thoth (`anathoth; Anathoth): A town which lay between Michmash and Jerusalem (Isaiah 10:30), in the territory of Benjamin, assigned to...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Revelation 2:3

persevered The Ephesians had in common their perseverance (???????? [hypomon?n] ) with John?s patience (Rev. Rev. 1:9+), the trait of faithfully waiti...

16.5.3. Solomon?s Temple

In the days of David?s kingdom, Israel dwelt permanently in the land and the kingdom was administered from Jerusalem. After a time, David realized th...

Revelation 21:3

a loud voice from heaven The NU text has from the throne. A loud voice from heaven told John not to write what the seven thunders uttered (Rev. Rev. ...

11.4. Summary of the Millennial Kingdom

It is not our purpose here to describe the Millennial Kingdom at great length. It is a large topic and the subject of scores of prophecies, especiall...

Revelation 3:4

a few even in Sardis God never lumps the faithful in with the errant in his assessment. Even in the midst of a wicked culture, there are those who tru...


Compassion [N]That (human) disposition that fuels Acts of kindness and mercy. Compassion, a form of love, is aroused within us when we are confronted ...

Revelation 17:16

the ten horns which you saw on the beast The TR stands alone in having the ten horns on the beast. Both MT and NU texts say ?the ten horns which you s...


Flock Two Hebrew words, eder [r,d,[] and son, are regularly translated flock in the Old Testament and both are rendered by Greek poimne [poivmnh] (or ...


Magic [N] [E]The Old Testament. Magicthe attempt to exploit supernatural powers by formulaic recitations to achieve goals that were otherwise unrealiz... Three Life, Resurrection, Completeness, the Trinity

The number three appears in the book of Revelation in association with the doxological triad (Rev. Rev. 4:8+; cf. Isa. Isa. 6:3), the amount of grain...

Revelation 12:4

His tail (h oura autou). See Daniel 9:10 Daniel 9:19 . Draweth (surei). Present active indicative of surw, old verb, to drag, here alone in the Apo...

Revelation 8:11

Wormwood ??????? [Apsinthos] : ?Artemisia Absinthium?1 . Derived from ?absinthe, a bitter, dark green oil made from certain strong-smelling plants wit...