Search Results for job 24-28

Found 147 Results for job 24-28
Providence of God

Providence of God The word providence comes from the Latin providentia (Gk. pronoia [provnoia]) and means essentially foresight or making provision be...

1 Chronicles 1

CHAPTER 1 1?Chronicles 1:1-23 . ADAM'S LINE TO NOAH. 1. Adam, &c.--Begat must be understood. Only that one member of the family is mentioned,...


Prayer [T] [B] [E] [S]MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICSPrayer test proposed by Elijah 1?Kings 18:24-39 Daily, in the morning Psalms 5:3 ; 88:13 ; ...


Holiness [T] [E]General scriptures concerning Genesis 17:1 ; 35:2 ; Exodus 19:6 ; 22:31 ; 28:36 ; 39:30 ; Leviticus 10:8-10 ; Leviticus 11:44...

Word of god

Word of god [E]CalledBOOK Psalms 40:7 ; Revelation 22:19 BOOK OF THE LORD Isaiah 34:16 BOOK OF THE LAW Nehemiah 8:3 ; Galatians 3:10 GOOD W...


EAGLE e'-g'-l (nesher; aetos; Latin aquila): A bird of the genus aquila of the family falconidae. The Hebrew nesher, meaning to tear with the beak, ...

Holy spirit

Holy spirit [B] General scriptures concerning Genesis 1:2 ; 6:3 ; 41:38 ; Exodus 31:3 ; 35:31 ; Numbers 27:18 ; Nehemiah 9:20 ; Job 16:19 ; ...


Faith [T] [B] [E]General scriptures concerning 2?Samuel 22:31 ; Psalms 2:12 ; 5:11 ; 7:1 ; Psalms 9:9 Psalms 9:10 ; 18:30 ; 32:10 ; Psalms 3...


Women [S]Creation of Genesis 1:27 ; Genesis 2:21 Genesis 2:22 Named Genesis 2:23 Fall of, and curse upon Genesis 3:1-16 ; 2?Corinthians 11:3 ...


Abortion [N]Humankind as God's Unique Image-Bearer. Although only a handful of Old Testament texts, all in Genesis, explicitly portray humankind as Go...

Ezekiel 9

CHAPTER 9 Ezekiel 9:1-11 . CONTINUATION OF THE PRECEDING VISION: THE SEALING OF THE FAITHFUL. 1. cried--contrasted with their cry for mercy (...

Zeal, religious

Zeal, religious General scriptures concerning Joshua 24:15 Joshua 24:16 ; 2 Samuel 24:24 2 Samuel 24:25 ; 1?Kings 9:4 ; 15:14 ; 1?Chronicles 2...

Symbols and similitudes

Symbols and similitudes Trees of life and knowledge Genesis 2:9 Genesis 2:17 ; Genesis 3:3 Genesis 3:24 ; Revelation 22:2 Rainbow Genesis 9:12...

Apocalipsis 8-9

APOCALIPSIS 8:1 - 9:21DIVISI?N EN P?RRAFOS DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASUBS2NKJVNRSVTEVNJBEl S?ptimo Sello y el incensario de oro8:1-28:3-5Las Trompeta...

Genesis 1

CHAPTER 1 Genesis 1:1, 2 . THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. 1. In the beginning--a period of remote and unknown antiquity, hid in the depths...

1 Chronicles 29

CHAPTER 29 1?Chronicles 29:1-9 . DAVID CAUSES THE PRINCES AND PEOPLE TO OFFER FOR THE HOUSE OF GOD. 1, 2. Solomon .?.?. is yet young and tend...

Job 39

Chapter?39God proceeds here to show Job what little reason he had to charge him with unkindness who was so compassionate to the inferior creatures and...

1 Chronicles 1

Chapter?1This chapter and many that follow it repeat the genealogies we have hitherto met with in the sacred history, and put them all together, with ...


Hope [N] [T] [E]To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.The Old Testament. Th...


BODY bod'-i: I. PHILOLOGICAL: Generally speaking, the Old Testament language employs no fixed term for the human body as an entire organism in exac...