Search Results for matt 15

Found 1285 Results for matt 15
John 19:25

Were standing by the cross of Jesus (isthkeisan para twi staurwi tou Ihsou). Perfect of isthmi, to place, used as imperfect (intransitive) with para ...


Mission Basic Definition. Mission is the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to speak or do God's will so that h...


World [N]The biblical concept of world falls into five categories: the physical world, the human world, the moral world, the temporal world, and the c...


Joy [N] [T]Happiness over an unanticipated or present good. In the Old Testament joy (Heb. sama[;j;m'f])covers a wide range of human experiences?from ...


Mouth In the Old Testament, mouth (Heb. peh [h,P]) often refers to inanimate openings: the entrance of a cave ( Joshua 10:18 Joshua 10:22 ), a well (...


Heart [N] [E]Heart (Hebrew lebab/leb [b'bel], Gk. kardia [kardiva]) occurs over one thousand times in the Bible, making it the most common anthropolog...

Command, Commandment

Command, Commandment The term commandment in the Bible (mainly Heb. miswa [hw.xim]; Gk. entole [ejntolhv]) refers to orders or adjurations given by au...

Luke 14

LUKE. CHAPTER XIV. Teaching in Parables. SUMMARY.--Healing on the Sabbath. The Chief Seats at a Wedding Feast. The Rule for Inviting Guests. Th...


Building [N] [E]From Sacred Space to Holy House The localized presence of God and God's glory among his people is central to the unfolding story of th...

Healing the Blind and Dumb Possessed

Returning to Capernaum, the Lord heals one pos- Matt. xii. 22-45, sessed with a devil, blind and dumb. The Pharisees Mark iii. 22-30. hereupon charge...


Angel [E]Superhuman or heavenly being who serves as God's messenger. Both the Hebrew malak [J; 'm] and the Greek angelos [a [ggelo] indicate that thes...


Anger [N] [T] [E]Strong emotional reaction of displeasure, often leading to plans for revenge or punishment. There are many words for anger in Hebrew;...

Bread, Bread of Presence

Bread, Bread of Presence Bread was the essential food of the ancient Israelites. Indeed, the very word bread could be used generically for any kind of...

Golden Rule

Golden Rule [N]The Old Testament. The term Golden Rule is not found in Scripture, but is the popular way of referring to the words of Jesus in Matthew...


Fruit [E]Terms and Meaning. Among the number of Hebrew words for fruit, fruit-producing, is peri, to bear fruit, be fruitful. The basic Greek word for...


Blasphemy [N] [T] [E] [S]Definition. In English blasphemy denotes any utterance that insults God or Christ (or Allah, or Muhammed) and gives deeply f...

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God The heart of Jesus' teachings centers around the theme of the kingdom of God. Thisexpression is found in sixty-one separate sayings in ...


Pit [N] [E] [S]The Old Testament. Pit denotes a large hole in the ground. Pits were used to catch wild animals ( Eze 19:1-8 ) or to collect water for ...


Dance. [E]The dance is spoken of in Holy Scripture universally as symbolical of some rejoicing, and is often coupled for the sake of contrast with mo...


Bethlehem [N] [E](house of bread ). One of the oldest towns in Palestine, already in existence at the time of Jacobs return to the country. Its earli...