Search Results for mk 4

Found 198 Results for mk 4
Acts 11

Chapter?11In this chapter we have, I. Peter?s necessary vindication of what he did in receiving Cornelius and his friends into the church, from the ce...

Temple, A2

TEMPLE, A2 II. EZEKIEL'S PROPHETIC SKETCH I. Introductory. 1. Relation to History of Temple: Wellhausen has said that Ezekiel 40-48 are the most im...

Numbers 11

Chapter?11Hitherto things had gone pretty well in Israel; little interruption had been given to the methods of God?s favour to them since the matter o...

Song of Solomon 7

Chapter?7In this chapter, I. Christ, the royal bridegroom, goes on to describe the beauties of his spouse, the church, in many instances, and to expre...

Psalms 91

Chapter?91Some of the ancients were of opinion that Moses was the penman, not only of the foregoing psalm, which is expressly said to be his, but also...

Malachi 4

Chapter?4We have here proper instructions given us (very proper to close the canon of the Old Testament with), I. Concerning the state of recompence a...

1 Timothy 2

Chapter?2In this chapter Paul treats, I. Of prayer, with many reasons for it (v.?1-8). II. Of women?s apparel (v.?9, v.?10). III. Of their subjection,...

Matthew 14

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XIV. The Miracles Beyond and Upon the Sea of Galilee. SUMMARY.--Herod's Opinion of Christ. The Death of John the Baptist. Jesus C...

Genesis 45

Chapter?45It is a pity that this chapter and the foregoing should be parted, and read asunder. There we had Judah?s intercession for Benjamin, with wh...

Isaiah 34

Chapter?34In this chapter we have the fatal doom of all the nations that are enemies to God?s church and people, though Edom only is mentioned, becaus...

Acts 8

Chapter?8In this chapter we have an account of the persecutions of the Christians, and the propagating of Christianity thereby. It was strange, but ve...

Song of Solomon 8

Chapter?8The affections between Christ and his spouse are as strong and lively here, in this closing chapter of the song, as ever, and rather more so....

Esther 5

Chapter?5The last news we had of Haman left him in his cups, 3:15. Our last news of queen Esther left her in tears, fasting and praying. Now this chap...

Acts 4

Chapter?4In going over the last two chapters, where we met with so many good things that the apostles did, I wondered what was become of the scribes a...

1 John 5

Chapter?5In this chapter the apostle asserts, I. The dignity of believers (v.?1). II. Their obligation to love, and the trial of it (v.?1-3). III. The...

Isaiah 66

Chapter?66The scope of this chapter is much the same as that of the foregoing chapter and many expressions of it are the same; it therefore looks the ...

Matthew 12

Chapter?12In this chapter, we have, I. Christ?s clearing of the law of the fourth commandment concerning the sabbath-day, and vindicating it from some...

Isaiah 5

Chapter 5In this chapter the prophet, in God?s name, shows the people of God their transgressions, even the house of Jacob their sins, and the judgmen...

Matthew 21

MATTHEW. CHAPTER XXI. Christ Entering Jerusalem. SUMMARY.--The Lord Leaves Bethany to Enter Jerusalem. The Charge to the Two Disciples. The Fulf...

Hosea 6

Chapter?6The closing words of the foregoing chapter gave us some hopes that God and his Israel, notwithstanding their sins and his wrath, might yet be...