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Found 36558 Results for number
Numbers 4:36

Overview - Numbers 4 1?The age at which the Levites were to begin to serve, and the duration of the service. 4?The duty of the Kohathites. 16?The cha...

Leviticus 23:16

Leviticus 23:16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath Or weeks, forty nine days being counted, the following was the fiftieth day, or Penteco...

Numbers 4:1

Numbers 4:1 And the Lord spake unto Moses, and unto Aaron After they had taken the number of the Levites, and made an exchange of the firstborn of Isr...


Geder [E] [H] [S]An ancient city of Canaan Joshua 12:13 Possibly identical with GEDOR, number two or number three[E] indicates this entry was also f...

Numbers 1:8

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:9

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:11

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:12

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:13

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:15

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:48

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 08083 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord OriginhnmXapparently from (08082) through the idea of p...


The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strong's Number: 03967 Browse Lexicon Original WordWord Originhamproperly, a primitive numeral; a hundredTransl...

Numbers 1:20

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

Numbers 1:26

Overview - Numbers 1 1?God commands Moses to number the people. 5?The princes of the tribes. 17?The number of every tribe. 47?The Levites are exempte...

2 Chronicles 26:2

2 Chronicles 26:34 And Moses and Aaron, and the chief of the congregation, numbered the sons of the Kohathites Perhaps these chiefs were the same with...

Numbers 4:34

Numbers 4:34 And Moses and Aaron, and the chief of the congregation, numbered the sons of the Kohathites Perhaps these chiefs were the same with those...


Ephraimites See EPHRAIM, number twoBibliography InformationNave, Orville J. Entry for 'Ephraimites'. Nave's Topical Bible. . 1896....


Unno See UNNI, Number twoBibliography InformationNave, Orville J. Entry for 'Unno'. Nave's Topical Bible. . 1896....

6. Scripture Index

Every Bible address mentioned within the commentary appears in the list of Bible books below. Within each list, each address is listed along with eve...