Search Results for poor vineyard lord

Found 336 Results for poor vineyard lord
Chapter IV

CHAPTER IV. RESTITUTION. A third element of successful prayer is RESTITUTION. If I have at any time taken what does not belong to me, and am not wi...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I. Happiness in life is to be gained by living virtuously, inasmuch as thus a Christian, whilst despising glory and the favou...

Sermon XIV

Preached November 21, 1754, at a Monthly Exercise of Prayer, in the Reverend Mr Stevens's Meeting-House near Devonshire-Square. Isaiah LXIV. 7. u4...

Richard Rogers

Richard Rogers.?This excellent divine was educated at Cambridge, and was afterwards for many years the laborious and useful minister of Wethersficld ...

Epistle XV.

Epistle XV. Epistle XV.(1) To Moyses and Maximus, and the Rest of the Confessors. Argument.-The Burden of This Letter is Given in Epistle XXXI. Below,...


Spirit [N] [E]The Old Testament. The Hebrew word for spirit is ruah [;jWr]. It appears 389 times in the Old Testament. Its varied use almost defies an...


OF ov: (1) In Anglo-Saxon, had the meaning from, away from (as the strengthened form off has still), and was not used for genitive or possessive rela...

Jesus Departs from Ephraim

In Ephraim the Lord abides with the disciples till John xi. 54-57. the approach of the Passover. A little before the feast, many went up out of the co...

Homily VI.

Homily VI.Homily VI. Philippians ii. 5-8.-Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, counted it not a prize...

Amos 5

Chapter 5The scope of this chapter is to prosecute the exhortation given to Israel in the close of the foregoing chapter to prepare to meet their God;...

Sermon XXXIX. [LXXXIX. Ben.]

Sermon XXXIX. [LXXXIX. Ben.]Sermon XXXIX. [LXXXIX. Ben.] On the words of the gospel, Matt. xxi. 19, Where Jesus dried up the fig-tree; and on the word...

Homily XLIII.

Homily XLIII.Homily XLIII. 1 Corinthians chapter 16, verse 1Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I gave order to the Churches of Galatia, ...

Chapter XV

That a time might come, when, through unfaithfulness to their covenant, the Jews would cease to exist as a nation, and be scattered over the earth, w...

Chapter IV

Oh! Spirit of God, whose voice I hear, 111 Sweeter than sweetest music, appealing l In tones of tenderness and love; Whose comforts delight my soul, a...

Tractate XVII.

Tractate XVII.Tractate XVII. John V. 1-18.1. It ought not to be a matter of wonder that a miracle was wrought by God; the wonder would be if man had w...

God Is Able

?GOD IS ABLE. Yes. he shall be holden up; for God is able to make him stand. Romans 14:4. I want to call your attention to one little word to-night...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I. St. Ambrose gives additional rules concerning repentance, and shows that it must not be delayed.1. Although in the former ...

Treatise XII. Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.

Treatise XII. Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.Treatise XII.(1) Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews.Cyprian to his son Quirinus, gr...

Book V.

Book V.Book V. Sec. I.-Concerning the Martyrs. That It is Reasonable for the Faithful to Supply the Wants of Those Who are Afflicted for the Sake of C...

Isaiah 3

Chapter 3The prophet, in this chapter, goes on to foretel the desolations that were coming upon Judah and Jerusalem for their sins, both that by the B...