Search Results for ps 5:7

Found 244 Results for ps 5:7
Genesis 33

Chapter?33We read, in the former chapter, how Jacob had power with God, and prevailed; here we find what power he had with men too, and how his brothe...

Psalms 37

Chapter?37This psalm is a sermon, and an excellent useful sermon it is, calculated not (as most of the psalms) for our devotion, but for our conversat...

Isaiah 1

Chapter 1The first verse of this chapter is intended for a title to the whole book, and it is probable that this was the first sermon that this prophe...

Ezekiel 15

Chapter?15Ezekiel has again and again, in God?s name, foretold the utter ruin of Jerusalem; but, it should seem, he finds it hard to reconcile himself...

Chapter V

CHAPTER V. THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Charnocke: On the Attributes. Howe: Oracles of God, Lectures XVII.-XXV. Sckleiermacher: Glaubenslehre, g 50-56; 79...

Psalms 82

Chapter?82This psalm is calculated for the meridian of princes? courts and courts of justice, not in Israel only, but in other nations; yet it was pro...

Psalm 144:1

PSALM 144 OVERVIEW. Albeit that this Psalm is in some measure very similar to Psalms 18:1-50 , yet it is a new song, and in its latter portion it is...

Genesis 41

Chapter?41Two things Providence is here bringing about:?I. The advancement of Joseph. II. The maintenance of Jacob and his family in a time of famine;...


Footnotes(1 )He came in with a slow and stately step; he spoke with a broken utterance, sometimes with a kind of disjointed sobs rather than words. He...

Revelation 6:1

Having taken the scroll from the Father, the Lamb now begins to open the seals. As each seal is opened, a new judgment comes upon the earth. John is ...

Psalm 142:5

?EXPOSITION Verse 5. I cried unto thee, O Lord. As man would not regard him, David was driven to Jehovah, his God. Was not this a gain made out of a l...


WISDOM wiz'-dum: 1. Linguistic 2. History 3. Religious Basis 4. Ideals 5. Teaching of Christ 6. Remainder of the New Testament (1) James (2) P...

Matthew 26

Chapter?26The narrative of the death and sufferings of Christ is more particularly and fully recorded by all the four evangelists than any part of his...

Job 9

Chapter?9In this and the following chapter we have Job?s answer to Bildad?s discourse, wherein he speaks honourably of God, humbly of himself, and fee...

Homily VI.

Homily VI.Homily VI. Philippians ii. 5-8.-Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, counted it not a prize...

Jeremiah 12

Chapter?12In this chapter we have, I. The prophet?s humble complaint to God of the success that wicked people had in their wicked practices (v.?1, v.?...

Introduction to Four Discourses Against the Arians

Introduction to Four Discourses Against the AriansIntroduction to Four Discourses Against the AriansWritten Between 356 And 360.There is no absolutely...

Isaiah 57

Chapter?57The prophet, in this chapter, makes his observations, I. Upon the deaths of good men, comforting those that were taken away in their integri...

Psalms 36

Chapter?36It is uncertain when, and upon what occasion, David penned this psalm, probably when he was struck at either by Saul or by Absalom; for in i...

Psalms 22

Chapter?22The Spirit of Christ, which was in the prophets, testifies in this psalm, as clearly and fully as any where in all the Old Testament, the su...