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Found 665 Results for sleep dwell
The Second Epistle of the Same Clement.

The Second Epistle of the Same Clement.The Second Epistle of the Same Clement.-------- Chapter I.-He Describes the Circumspectness of His Intercourse ...

Chapter XVIII

CHAPTER XVIII. SONGS IN THE NIGHT. Ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept. Thoughts at night are deepest, said the he...

Isaiah 5

Chapter 55:1 Now will a I sing to my b wellbeloved a song of my beloved concerning his vineyard. My wellbeloved hath a c vineyard in a very fruitful h...

Genesis 28

Chapter?28 Isaac sends Jacob to Padan-aram. (1-5) Esau marries the daughter of Ishmael. (6-9) Jacob's vision. (10-15) The stone of Beth-el. (16-19) J...

Ecclesiastes 12:11

Ecclesiastes 12:11 The words of the wise [are] as goads As the goad teacheth the ox; so the Targum. Not the words of the wise philosophers of that age...

Revelation 21

Chapter?21 A new heaven, and new earth: the new Jerusalem where God dwells, and banishes all sorrow from his people. (1-8) Its heavenly origin, glory...

Revelation 16:15

I am coming ??????? [Erchomai] , present tense, I am presently coming. His arrival is so imminent we are to think of Him as being already on His way....

The King ?Ps ii ,

II. THE KING. 1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel...


ON THE BIRTH OF JOHN ROGERS DAVIES, THE AUTHOR'S THIRD SON. THOU little wond'rous miniature of man, Form'-d by unerring Wisdom's perfect plan; Thou...

The Songs of the Fugitive

XV.?THE SONGS OF THE FUGITIVE THE psalms which probably belong to the period of Absalom's rebellion correspond well with the impression of his spirit...

Sermon XXXIV

Preached OH. ai, 1764. \v .... Hebrews XL 16. But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed to be called t...

Song of the New Creation

Eventnii by Evening. Advesperascit; et inclinavit dies. GOOD-NIGHT, ye gems of beauty, Good-night, thou gentle blue; On quiet bed I lay me, And ...

Psalm IV.

Psalm IV.Psalm IV.TO The End, A Psalm Song TO David.1. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. For this end signif...

1 Thessalonians 4:16

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven Not by proxy, or by representatives; not by the ministry of angels, as on Mount Si...

Sermon VII

SERMON VII MAN ON PROBATION. Gal. vi. 7, 8,? Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that s...

Christ our Forerunner ?Ps xvi 6-11,

XXII. CHRIST OUR FORERUNNER. 6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. 7 I will bless the Lord, who hath ...

Until the Day Break

Love is of God. BELOVED, let us love: love is of God; In God alone hath love its true abode. Beloved, let us love: for they who love, They only, are...

Genesis 28

The Book of GenesisChapter 28Chapter Overview:We have here, Jacob's parting with his parents to go to Padan - aram: the charge his father gave him,...

Spiritual Songs Part 3 (123-176)

123 Isaiah xxi. 11. P.M. 1?What of the night, watchman, what of the night? The wintry gale sweeps by, The thick shadows fall, and the night bird'...

Chapter VIII

'iSo T saw in my dream, that he made haste and went forward, that if possible he might get lodging there. Now before he had gone far, Iff entered int...