Search Results for stress

Found 608 Results for stress
Matthew 7:22

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord That is, in the last day, the day of judgment, the great and famous day, fixed by God, unknow...

Psalm 105:15

?EXPOSITION Verse 15. Saying, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Abraham and his seed were in the midst of the world a generation of...

Psalm 119:86

?EXPOSITION Verse 86. All thy commandments are faithful. He had no fault to find with God's law, even though he had fallen into sad trouble through ob...

Psalm 119:134

?EXPOSITION Verse 134. Deliver me from the oppression of man. David had tasted all the bitterness of this great evil. It had made him an exile from hi...


CHARM charm: Definition.--The word charm is derived from the Latin carmen, a song, and denotes strictly what is sung; then it comes to mean a magical...


SAMARITANS sa-mar'-i-tanz (shomeronim; Samareitai, New Testament; (singular), Samarites): The name Samaritans in 2?Kings 17:29 clearly applies to the...

John Workman

John Workman.?This persecuted servant of Christ was born hear Lasborough in Gloucestershire, and educated in the university of Oxford. Having finishe...

Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments. [N] [B]The popular name in this, as in so many instances,is not that of Scripture. There we have the TEN WORDS, ( Exodus 34:28 ; ...


AGONY ag'-o-ni (agonia; Vulgate agonia): A word occurring only once in the New Testament (Luke 22:44), and used to describe the climax of the mysteri...

Timothy, First and Second, Theology of

Timothy, First and Second, Theology of The two epistles Paul wrote to Timothy are not usually associated with theology as much as they are with church...


ZOROASTRIANISM zo-ro-as'-tri-an-iz'-m: I. HISTORY SOURCES II. RELATION TO ISRAEL 1. Influence on Occident 2. Popular Judaism 3. Possible Theologi...

Revelation, Idea of

Revelation, Idea of The central question of religion is that of revelation. May God be known? Has he revealed himself? If he may, if he has, where? In...

Galatians 6

The Book of GalatiansChapter 6Verses:6:1Brethren, if a man be overtaken in any fault - By surprise, ignorance, or stress of temptation. Ye who are spi...

Sacrifice, Human

SACRIFICE, HUMAN hu'-man: As an expression of religious devotion, human sacrifice has been widespread at certain stages of the race's development. Th...

Psalm 16:9

?EXPOSITIONVerse 9. He clearly foresaw that he must die, for he speaks of his flesh resting, and of his soul in the abode of separate spirits; death w...


ElucidationsElucidationsIMara, son of Serapion, p. 735.I Cannot withhold from the student the valuable hints concerning the dialect of Edessa by which...


RUDIMENTS roo'-di-ments (stoicheia, plural of stoicheion (Galatians 4:3,9; Colossians 2:8,20; Hebrews 5:12; 2?Peter 3:10,12)): This word occurs 7 t i...


The Cleansing of Sin. 'If we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus His Son cleanseth ns from all sin. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righ...


SADDUCEES sad'-u-sez (tsadduqim; Saddoukaioi): I. INTRODUCTORY 1. Name: Rival Etymologies. Probably from Zadok the High Priest 2. Authorities: Ne...

Twenty-sixth Day

Twenty-sixth Day. , THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. arte Spirit atrtr tije jFlegfj. ? Are ye Bo foolish 1 having began in the Spirit, are ye now perfected i...