Search Results for the truth will set you free

Found 2135 Results for the truth will set you free

REPENTANCE.And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Acts 17 : 30. I want to call your attenti...

Epistle XXV.

Epistle XXV. Epistle XXV.(1) Moyses, Maximus, Nicostratus, and the Other Confessors Answer the Foregoing Letter. a.d. 250. Argument.-They Gratefully A...

Sermon LXXVIII. (on the Whidsuntide Fast, I.)

Sermon LXXVIII. (on the Whidsuntide Fast, I.)Sermon LXXVIII. (on the Whidsuntide Fast, I.) I. Since the Apostles' Day Till Now Self-Restraint is the B...

A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.

A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.A Treatise on Grace and Free Will.Addressed to Valentinus and the Monks of Adrumetum, and Completed in One Book. Wri...

John Wilson

John Wilson was born in the parish of Kildwick in Yorkshire, and ordained deacon according to the order of the church of England; when he obtained a ...

Homily XI.

Homily XI.Homily XI.-------- Chapter I.-Morning Exercises.Therefore On the fourth day at Tripolis, Peter rising and finding us awake, saluted us and w...

Sermon 31

Sermon 31. DEDICATION TO GOD ARGUED FROM REDEEMING MERCY.* / COR. VI. 19, 20.? What! know ye not that ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a...

Seventeenth Day

Seventeenth Day. THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. Wyt $ebmess of tfje Spirit. ?But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that wherein we w...

First Day

FIRST DAY. ABIDE IN CHRIST, ail ge toi)o f)abe come to $im. Come unto me.?Matt. xi. 28. Abide in me.?John Xv. 4. JT is to you who have heard and h...

Plain Tests of True Doctrine

PLAIN TESTS OF TRUE DOCTRINE. Dear Sir, .. I DO not wonder that your mind is unsettled and uneasy. When you had derived peace and composure from the...

Bought with a Price

BOUGHT WITH A PRICE. Ye are bought with a price. i Corinthians vi. 20. Great S. Mary's Church, 1st Sunday in Lent, 18791. The words which I desir...

Book III.

Book III. Book III.(1) -------- Chapter I.-Pearls Before Swine.Meantime Peter, rising at the crowing of the cock, and wishing to rouse us, found us aw...

John 8

8:1? but Jesus went unto the mount of Olives1. But Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. Probably crossing the mountain to the house of Lazarus and si...

Lecture XVII

14. Mercy is also an attribute of benevolence. And this term likewise expresses a state of feeling and represents a phenomenon of the sensibility. Me...

Fifth Day

FIFTH DAY. ABIDE IN CHRIST, &0 gou came to 3?tm, fig dFaitfi. As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye In Him: rooted and built up In ...

Psalm LXXXV.

Psalm LXXXV. Psalm LXXXV. 1. ...Its title is, A Psalm for the end, to the sons of Core. Let us understand no other end than that of which the Apostle ...

Letter I. A Letter of the Holy Presbyter Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning the Last Judgment.

Letter I. A Letter of the Holy Presbyter Severus to His Sister Claudia Concerning the Last Judgment.Letter I. A Letter of the Holy Presbyter Severus t...

Sermon 74

Sermon 74. THE CERTAINTY OF DEATH; A FUNERAL SERMON. EZEK. Xxxiii. 8. O wicked man, thou shalt surely die.?* MEN love themselves, and therefore de...

Only One Way


On the Profit of Believing

S. AUGUSTINE ON THE PROFIT OF BELIEVING. Retract, i. cap. 14. Moreover now at Hippo Regins as Presbyter 1 wrote a book on the Profit of Believing, ...