Search Results for christ and him crucified

Found 163 Results for christ and him crucified
Does the Bible Say "He Became Sin Who Knew No Sin"?

Rylie Fine

Does the Bible say Jesus became sin who knew no sin? If so, what does it mean for us and for our relationship with God?...

How Can We "Let Our Light Shine"?

Blair Parke

"This little light of mine" is a popular Sunday school song with children that draws inspiration from Matthew 5:16. When Jesus instructs His disciples to "let your light so shine before men," what exa...

What Was Jesus Really Teaching Us When He Said "I am the Vine You Are the Branches"?

Linda Lyle

We often hear in church that Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches,” but is there more to this metaphor than we think? ...

Why Does Jesus Say He Is the “True Vine”?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Instead of just saying he is the vine, why does Jesus say he is the true vine? What is interesting and emphatic about this statement is that Jesus makes a definitive distinction between himself and an...

What is Eschatology and Why Should Christians Care to Understand It?

Jessica Brodie

The Messiah, Jesus Christ, is precisely why it is important for Christians to be aware of eschatology, for the entire purpose of the Christ is wrapped up in God’s final plan for humanity. Jesus Christ...

Life-Changing Significance of Jesus’ Words When He Says ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’

Melissa Henderson

Jesus spoke ‘I am’ statements. ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ is one of those statements (John 11:25)....

7 Ways God Is Your Healer

Cindi McMenamin

God wants to heal every aspect of your being—heart, soul, body, mind, and spirit. Some aspects are healed immediately, others He heals over time as a way of transforming us into Christ's likeness. ...

How Does the Bible Encourage Believers to Let Go of Shame?

Ashley Hooker

Shame will isolate us from the world and from our God. When we isolate from God, we begin pointing fingers. We want to blame others for the shame we feel. We may even blame God for our less-than-great...

Why Was Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas?

Hope Bolinger

Jesus originally chose 12 disciples out of his many followers. But after Judas betrayed Jesus and eventually killed himself, there was a hole in that original number. So, the remaining disciples praye...

Preaching the Power of the Cross

The message of the power of the Cross was preached by Paul to a congregation very much embroiled in the practical meaning and effects of power. Power and its irresistible influence were thick in the a...

Is Christian Nationalism Biblical?

Annette Griffin

Christian nationalism has filled the headlines lately, moving many Christians to consider, "what does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of God?"...

Do You Have the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation?

Tim Pietz

Exhortation is filled with this same kindness and hope, but then it takes a second step—it incites its listeners to action....

How Often Should the Lord's Supper/Communion Be Observed?

Betty Dunn

The Lord’s Supper is not just something that the early church did, but something we should practice today. But how often should we do it? Does it make a difference?...

Did Jesus Really Say 'Woman Behold Your Son' on the Cross?

Britt Mooney

 Did Jesus really say, “Woman behold your son” as he was dying? If so, was he talking about himself or giving final directions?...

4 Risky Paths to Denying Jesus

Michael Jakes

When we read about Peter denying Jesus after the rooster crowed, we are often quick to think "God, I'm glad I'm not like that!" But when we take a long, hard look at our hearts, we realize that it is ...

Who Does God Say I Am?

Meg Bucher

The pre-requisite of our identity can be found in godly priorities. By aligning our everyday lives to biblical truth, we set our internal GPS to His will. Through Scripture, creation, and purposefully...

What Is the Upside-Down Nature of the Kingdom of God?

Ed Jarrett

The first hint in Jesus’ teaching of this upside-down nature of the kingdom comes at the beginning of what we know as the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. In the Beatitudes, Jesus declared several ...

3 Powerful Life Lessons from the Baptism of Jesus

Dr. Michael A. Milton

The baptism, or anointing, of our Lord Jesus spans Eternity Past and Eternity Future. The ceremonial act fulfills the signs and symbols anticipated in the Old Testament priesthood and looks toward His...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

What Does it Mean in the Bible That God Remembered?

Jessica Brodie

In every instance of God "remembering," we see that it always includes an action. God never forgets His promises or His people — He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and the creator o...