Search Results for col 1:2

Found 361 Results for col 1:2

Time [N] [T]It is debatable whether the Bible contains enough information to formulate a full-scale doctrine of time; nonetheless, the significance of...

Revelation 1:1

Up to this point, we have spent considerable time discussing background information in order to better prepare the reader for the verse-by-verse expo...

10.5. Church Betrothed to Christ

Having seen that the relationship between Israel and God is set forth in terms of a consummated marriage followed by divorce and eventual restoration...

Filipenses 4

FILIPENSES 4DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFOS DE TRADUCCIONES MODERNASReina-Valera 1960(RV-1960)New Revised Standard Version(NRSV)Dios Habla Hoy(DHH)Biblia Jerus...

Micah 1:13

Micah 1:13 O thou inhabitant of Lachish, bind the chariot to the swift beast Horses, camels, dromedaries, or mules. Some F21 render the word swift hor...


Ethics The ancient world did not consider religion to be morally inspiring, creative, or corrective; the reputed behavior of gods and goddesses repell...

Revelation 9:11

they had a king over them These locusts are to be contrasted with natural locusts which have no king: ?The locusts have no king, yet they all advance...

Appear, Appearance

Appear, Appearance The Old Testament. The Hebrew word most commonly used for appearance in the Old Testament is raa [h'a'r]. The seeing of God leads t...

Peter, First, Theology of

Peter, First, Theology of First Peter was written as a circular letter to churches in five provinces of northwestern Asia Minor. Because of their conv...

Corinthians, First and Second, Theology of

Corinthians, First and Second, Theology of Many modern interpreters believe that eschatology, the doctrine of the endtimes, is the center of the apost...

Destroy, Destruction

Destroy, Destruction Destroy in the Bible usually refers to violent action causing physical death ( Num 16:33 ; Psalm 2:12 ; Heb. abad [d;b'a]). But ...

Lie, Lying

Lie, Lying To practice deceit, falsehood, and treachery either by word or action. It is the exact opposite of truth. The sanctity of truth is fundamen...

Galatians 6

GALATIANS. CHAPTER VI. Concluding Admonitions. SUMMARY.--Restoring the Stumbling. Humility Commended. The Law. Reaping and Sowing. Paul's Superscr...

Romans 6

ROMANS. CHAPTER VI. Dying and Living with Christ. SUMMARY.--Death by Sin. Burial with Christ. Rising to a New Life. Those Dead not under the Dom...


Hope [N] [T] [E]To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.The Old Testament. Th...


Fellowship [N] [E]To appreciate the full meaning of the word-group in the New Testament that conveys the nature and reality of Christian fellowship (i...


Word [N](Heb. dabar [r'b'D]; Gk. logos [lovgo] and rhema [rJh'ma]). The theological meaning of word within Scripture spans a wide theological spectrum...

Genesis 10:11

Genesis 10:11 Out of that land went forth Ashur It is a question whether Ashur is the name of a man or of a country; some take it in the latter sense,...

Perfect, Perfection

Perfect, Perfection Two word-groups in the Hebrew Old Testament are translated perfect or perfection: tamam [m'T] and calal [l;l'K]. The former connot...


Justice [N] [T] [E](Heb. sedeq [q,d,x],mispat [f'P.vim];Gk. dikaiosyne [dikaiosuvnh]).God, the Righteous Judge. Justice is rooted in the very nature o...