Search Results for i tell you a mystery

Found 718 Results for i tell you a mystery
Peter's List of Valuables

Much more precious than gold that periaheth.?1 Peter i. 7. ?ETER is very fond of this word precious. He uses it more frequently than all the other ...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Chapter I. How the errors of later heretics have been condemned and refuted in the persons of their authors and originators.AS we beg...

Sermon 33

Sermon 33. THE NATURE AND BLESSEDNESS OF SONSHIP WITH GOD. -. John in. 1, 2.?-Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we ...

Homily II.

Homily II.Homily II.-------- Chapter I.-Peter's Attendants.Therefore the next day, I Clement, awaking from sleep before dawn, and learning that Peter ...

Tractate XXXIX.

Tractate XXXIX.Tractate XXXIX. John VIII. 26, 27.1. The words of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He had addressed to the Jews, so regulating His discours...

Psalm 142:2

?EXPOSITION Verse 2. I poured out my complaint before him. His inward meditation filled his soul: the bitter water rose up to the brim; what was to be...

Chapter III

Now as Christian was walking solitarily by himself, he 'spied one afar off, crossing over the tieid to meet liim, and their hap was to meet just as t...

Book II.

Book II.Book II. Faustus claims to believe the Gospel, yet refuses to accept the genealogical tables on various grounds which Augustin seeks to set as...

Revelation 10:9

Give me One would typically expect an imperative mood verb here?as when commanding: you give. Here it is an infinitive, ?????? ??? [dounai moi] , to g...

Sermon LVI

SERMON LVI. PREACHED UPON THE PENITENTIAL PSALMS. Psalm xxxii. 5. I acknowledged my eiu uuto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I wi...

Homily XXIV.

Homily XXIV.Homily XXIV. ACTS X. 44, 46.-While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circ...

Book IX.

Book IX.Book IX.1. In the last book we treated of the indistinguishable nature of God the Father and God the Son, and demonstrated that the words, I a...

Chapter XIX

CHAPTER XIX. MARRIAGE SONGS AND BIRTHDAY HYMNS. And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. It is said of Solomon that his song...

Oration XXIX.

Oration XXIX. Oration XXIX. The Third Theological Oration.On the Son.I. This then is what might be said to cut short our opponents' readiness to argue...


ProcatechesisProcatechesisOrPrologue to the Catechetical Lectures of Our Holy Father, Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem.------------ 1. Already there is ...

Homily VI.

Homily VI.Homily VI. 1 Thessalonians iv. 9, 10.-But concerning love of the brethren we have no need to write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of...

Address of Tatian to the Greeks.

Address of Tatian to the Greeks.Address of Tatian to the Greeks.-------- Chapter I.-The Greeks Claim, Without Reason, the Invention of the Arts.Be not...

Book XI.

Book XI.Book XI.1. The Apostle in his letter to the Ephesians, reviewing in its manifold aspects the full and perfect mystery of the Gospel, mingles w...

Book VII

Book VIIBook VII Epistle II. To Columbus, Bishop. Gregory to Columbus, Bishop of Numidia(1) .We received at the hands of the bearer, your deacon, the ...

Mark 14:41

II. Mark 14, 41.?Sleep on now, and take your rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. The...