Search Results for jas 20

Found 88 Results for jas 20
Homily 9

Homily IX.Homily IX. Hebrews vi. 1-3.-Therefore leaving the principles of the Doctrine of Christ,(1) let us go on unto perfection, not laying again th...

Revelation 14:12

XVI. Revelation 14, 12.?Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. The duty, necess...

Romans, Epistle To The

ROMANS, EPISTLE TO THE || 1. Its Genuineness 2. Its Integrity 3. The Approximate Date 4. The Place of Writing 5. The Destination 6. The Language...

Literature, Sub-Apostolic, 1

LITERATURE, SUB-APOSTOLIC, 1 lit'-er-a-tur, sub-ap-os-tol'-ik (Christian): I. EPISTLE OF CLEMENT TO THE CORINTHIANS 1. Authorship and Date 2. Occas...

Homily 4

Homily IV.Homily IV. Hebrews ii. 5-7.-For unto Angels He hath not put in subjection. the world to come, whereof we speak. But one in a certain place t...

Matthew 19

Chapter?19In this chapter, we have, I. Christ changing his quarters, leaving Galilee, and coming into the coasts of Judea (v.?1, v.?2). II. His disput...


THE FIFTH WARNING. Chap. xii. 14-29. Against the Rejection of God's Son. CXVlI. FOLLOW AFTER SANCTIFICATION. XH.?14. Follow after peace with all...

Addresses and Best Thoughts

Addresses and Best Thoughts. 1. How To Read The Bible.?If the Holy Ghost is our Teacher, we will understand the Word of God. The best thing to inte...